I am very upset about the law or bill that was signed by Andrew Cuomo on this past Wednesday allowing a year-long window for anyone with a sex-abuse complaint against Church, Boy Scouts etc. regardless of how long ago it happened. Even though this bill includes all organizations I think we all know that this bill is mainly aimed at attacking the Catholic Church. All ready many lawsuits have been filed and much money will be handed out to victims either real or alleged! As well most of the abusers are probably dead so most won’t even be brought to trial! And many accusations will not be able to be proven. To me this bill will cause many lawsuits that will destroy the Catholic Church in New York and eventually all of America!
It also angers me that Catholics rejoice about this law, forgetting that Andrew Cuomo is not a friend of the Catholic Church! Do Catholics really want to see our Church go bankrupt and then be persecuted because the media will create a feeding frenzy?!
It doesn’t help that Church Militant, who I will no longer support, in spite of having some concerns, seem to be happy or relieved about this law or see this as justice!
It just makes me angry all around!

It also angers me that Catholics rejoice about this law, forgetting that Andrew Cuomo is not a friend of the Catholic Church! Do Catholics really want to see our Church go bankrupt and then be persecuted because the media will create a feeding frenzy?!
It doesn’t help that Church Militant, who I will no longer support, in spite of having some concerns, seem to be happy or relieved about this law or see this as justice!
It just makes me angry all around!