VERY URGENT! Need advise fast on Ectopic Pregnancies

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Glad to know it wasn’t an ectopic pregnancy…
But I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis… you’ll be in my prayers…
I personally know of a couple of Catholic women who had ectopic pregnancies. They were given a drug to stop the dangerous “growth” from getting bigger and rupturing the tube. I just don’t understand the Church’s fine distinction here between moral and immoral. At least the woman would still have her tube for future pregnancies. Keep in mind that the baby has NO chance of surviving under these circumstances. Do you want only the baby to die, or do you want both the mother and baby to die?

I am worried that doctors are using the pill method because it is faster and easier. This is a true medical emergency, and the woman would have NO time to find a doctor who was willing to remove her tube.

It does say in the Catholic Catechism that we may kill a person who is threatening to kill us. A woman could have a situation here where obeying the Church would mean certain death and motherless children. I am really wondering about this, since drugs that eliminate “tumors” haven’t been around for all that many years. Maybe the Church needs to re-think this situation.
I personally know of a couple of Catholic women who had ectopic pregnancies. They were given a drug to stop the dangerous “growth” from getting bigger and rupturing the tube. I just don’t understand the Church’s fine distinction here between moral and immoral. At least the woman would still have her tube for future pregnancies. Keep in mind that the baby has NO chance of surviving under these circumstances. Do you want only the baby to die, or do you want both the mother and baby to die?

I am worried that doctors are using the pill method because it is faster and easier. This is a true medical emergency, and the woman would have NO time to find a doctor who was willing to remove her tube.

It does say in the Catholic Catechism that we may kill a person who is threatening to kill us. A woman could have a situation here where obeying the Church would mean certain death and motherless children. I am really wondering about this, since drugs that eliminate “tumors” haven’t been around for all that many years. Maybe the Church needs to re-think this situation.
I think the difference is between killing someone who is threatening to kill us, and killing someone who is risking us through absolutely no fault of their own. The baby isn’t even choosing to be reckless and risk someone’s life out of ignorance. It can’t choose where it implants, whereas a murderer can choose(leaving out some mentally ill people) whether to attack you or not. In killing a murderer, you are removing a threat, yes, but in killing a baby in an ectopic pregnancy you are killing someone completely innocent, who I’m sure would gladly move if they could understand the danger they were placing their mother in. If the mother is injured or dies because the doctor didn’t comply with her religious beliefs, then it would be on the doctor’s soul. It would be tragic, but it would be a martyr’s death.

Personally, I think science should work on a few things:
  1. figuring out how to rebuild damaged fallopian tubes instead of cutting them apart.
  2. figuring out if an ectopic pregnancy could somehow be moved lower into the uterus, and thus become a normal pregnancy.
They can do a bunch of other crazy stuff to our reproductive systems, why not attempt for this stuff? It’s sad that they’ve become so obsessed with cutting tubes and aborting babies that they don’t address the flip-side of these procedures.
Praying that your pain has eased up and that you will be well!! God bless you!🙂
I am keeping you in my prayers Convert in 99!


Convert, I hope you are feeling better soon. Those cysts are so painful, but lady let me tell you: they feel much better than an ectopic! I am so HAPPY you did not go through that. I am thanking God for sparing you that.

To everyone else: I have one fallopian tube. My left tube is about 1/4" long. Not tied-off, just gone. I had an ectopic pregnancy, and that pregnancy ruptured my fallopian tube turning me septic and requiring immediate surgery to save my life. There is some debate going on about this, but some of the debate isn’t even valid to the arguments, as the facts of ectopic pregnancies are not listed.
  1. When a baby implants in a fallopian tube it’s growth is not that of a usual child. Or in medical terms: a zygote to a embryo to a fetus. Since it has not implanted in the uetrus’ nutrient rich and protective life-giving sustenance, it simply does not grow the same. It can remain tiny (like the tip of a pencil) for WEEKS.
  2. The hormones of pregnancy - although usually present - i.e progesterone and Hcg, fluctuate wildly. A woman will usually discover she is pregnant, start to miscarry, bleed for weeks, and yet nothing really happens other than more hormone fluctuation and strange growth spurts of the baby in the tube. Hcg Levels are low, they become lower, then they’ll surge again, but not enough for a pregnancy to be 6 or 7 weeks along. A good doctor/OB will follow a patient with hcg blood levels and ultrasound to be certain a baby is not in the tube. Most often there is no indication that their is an ectopic pregnancy until weeks after a supposed miscarriage has begun. Sometimes women don’t bleed at all – having no idea that they have an ectopic pregnancy. That is until they get sick.
  3. Even when a pregnancy that looks supicious is followed by ultrasound, often times the doctor cannot see a pregnancy in a tube until it’s too late. Again, being the baby is not in the uterus it does not grow correctly. My personal experience was that of a clear tube but a large corpeus luteum cyst. (All of us women get corpus luteum cysts where we ovulate on our ovum. Every month. When we have an ectopic pregnancy it’s common for the corpus luteum not to burst but to continue to grow. Mine was the size of a baseball when the ER surgery was performed.) One week later, the baby grew so quickly it burst my tube. Yet, just 7 days before the doctor could see up through the fallopian tube as it was so small via ultrasound.
Basically what I am trying to say is this: arguing over taking a pill to cause a miscarriage or to stop the baby growing is nearly a moot point as ectopic’s are usually hard to discover until it’s too late, causing major pain, or making a woman very sick.

If I could have taken a pill, saved my tube, not went through major and painful surgery to stop a non-viable baby from nearly killing me – I would have. For laproscopic or vaginal surgery instead of an abdominal cut and staples with a week in the hospital – no question. I still had two other children to raise!

I have to say that the idea of baptizing the baby is a wonderful one. I wish, really really wish I would have thought of that, and asked my doctor to do it. He would have too - he was great. My heart hurts over that today.

God does provide. I have since had one baby with just one tube, and am now pregnant with another. 👍 By His Grace and His Gifts I am still able to carry and give birth to more children. An ectopic is not necessarrily a death sentence to fertility nor is it a death sentence to a baby. The baby in a tube has never had a chance. 😦 But it will kill the mother. There is no choice. In my opinion.

A P-Side friend of mine told me that hardcore-pro-life-protestants make bold statements like they would never operate to remove an ectopic as it’s abortion. No if’s and’s or but’s about it. They haven’t had an ectopic. 🤷
Oh thank you so much for asking. That is very kind of you!

**Well, it is thankfully not ectopic pregnancy. 🙂 **

My diagnoses is ovarian cysts (on both sides) that have caused a severe pelvic infection (PID…Pelvic Inflamatory Disease)

**The medications aren’t working yet, so surgery to drain the cysts is looking pretty certain. **

I will keep you all updated. Thanks so much for the kind responses and prayers. Continued prayers (especially if surgery is needed) are most appreciated and welcome.

**God bless you all. Thanks again for your concern! 🙂 **
I’m glad!
I hope you don’t need to undergo the surgery.
Just recently a good friend of mine was hospitalized for an ovarian cyst as well, but thankfully, because of the small size, no surgical drainage or operation was necessary.🙂
Yes, removal of the portion of the tube with the baby is the only moral option. It would seem to be the best medical decision, too, since if the tube were left intact, it would still be damaged and possibly lead to another ectopic pregnancy in the future. I have not heard of a medical therapy that would heal damaged Fallopian tubes. The doctors nowadays seem to be intent on damaging them through any means. The birth control pill, IUD and other forms of chemical abortion/ contraception increase ectopic pregnancies.
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