read threads about virginity. remembered how i failed. was virgin at 20. Thought french kissing wasn’t sinful. learned it could be mortal sin after the damage was done. I had my first kiss at 20. gave my virginity away due to french kissing and not knowing how to handle older date and pressure. have an adopted dad who went to jail at this time for cheating on my mom with someone my age. he also was on marijuanna at the time and before that alcoholic and mean. have biological dad who hardly ever calls. had to track him down myself just to find him and have to call or write first just to keep in touch.
continued to date this same person because I thought this person would marry me. didn’t happen. told me if i kept giving myself to this person this person would marry me. i couldn’t keep it up after months. got dumped. bated person back by giving myself away again and again. got dumped again. got into another older person relationship. pressured to give myself and finally did over and over. felt like killing myself. i couldn’t give myself to my spouse completely anymore. i didn’t deserve to live i thought. i wanted to give myself completely but messed up. I sorrow over it day and night. Never can forget.
then received Eucharist in mortal sin and quite a bit of times. thought it would be fine because I could go to confession but sinned with the sin of presumption. Regret this too. Sorrow. Suicidal thoughts. sinning again by these.
straightened up now. suicide i try not to think of. don’t want to sin. hate what i have done. think what if I could have kept virginity? what if i could have found someone and gave myself in marriage completely? but now I never could. don’t deserve spouse.
tried to get into consecrated life but ruined that opportunity when I was committing sacrilege just to look good in front of community was trying to get into. repented but even though they didn’t know I committed sin i knew. head community member knew I didn’t belong there. Told me it was my prayer life but I straigtened up and asked to try again years later and same response. rejection after repentance. Sorrow and Regret. now I am haunted by the nightmare of my past forever and when everyone on judgement day sees what I have done, I will just know that I deserve humiliation if i am not in heaven at time.
continued to date this same person because I thought this person would marry me. didn’t happen. told me if i kept giving myself to this person this person would marry me. i couldn’t keep it up after months. got dumped. bated person back by giving myself away again and again. got dumped again. got into another older person relationship. pressured to give myself and finally did over and over. felt like killing myself. i couldn’t give myself to my spouse completely anymore. i didn’t deserve to live i thought. i wanted to give myself completely but messed up. I sorrow over it day and night. Never can forget.
then received Eucharist in mortal sin and quite a bit of times. thought it would be fine because I could go to confession but sinned with the sin of presumption. Regret this too. Sorrow. Suicidal thoughts. sinning again by these.
straightened up now. suicide i try not to think of. don’t want to sin. hate what i have done. think what if I could have kept virginity? what if i could have found someone and gave myself in marriage completely? but now I never could. don’t deserve spouse.
tried to get into consecrated life but ruined that opportunity when I was committing sacrilege just to look good in front of community was trying to get into. repented but even though they didn’t know I committed sin i knew. head community member knew I didn’t belong there. Told me it was my prayer life but I straigtened up and asked to try again years later and same response. rejection after repentance. Sorrow and Regret. now I am haunted by the nightmare of my past forever and when everyone on judgement day sees what I have done, I will just know that I deserve humiliation if i am not in heaven at time.