Please message me privately. I have a URL and other information that you must delve into. The info is on Catholic therapists (MD, PsyD, PhD, MSW, etc). After reading your post I must say that I feel you need much more in depth support and help than any of us can give you via the internet - including people like me who have a mental wellness background.
When I was younger I lived a very sinful life. Sex, and lots of it, was the order of the day. It led to an abortion, which led to depression and a long, long time of suffering… even after I repented and went to confession. I have a very good idea of where you are coming from. However, after lots of psychological and spiritual therapy I came to accept God’s Mercy and today I not only have a PsyD, but I am now discerning a priestly vocation. God is good!
There are a couple of things I’d like to say in general. One, do not care one iota what anyone thinks of you. I don’t care if it is family, friends, or the Man in the Moon. All you need to care about is what God thinks of you. I know, easier said than done, especially when dealing with the guilt you are dealing with.
Two, always remember God’s mercy. While He is Just, He is also Mercy. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, you could ever have done, are doing, or will do, that He will not forgive. You have repented and God is giving you his Mercy… accept it despite yourself.
Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future Maronite priest,
Please message me privately. I have a URL and other information that you must delve into. The info is on Catholic therapists (MD, PsyD, PhD, MSW, etc). After reading your post I must say that I feel you need much more in depth support and help than any of us can give you via the internet - including people like me who have a mental wellness background.
When I was younger I lived a very sinful life. Sex, and lots of it, was the order of the day. It led to an abortion, which led to depression and a long, long time of suffering… even after I repented and went to confession. I have a very good idea of where you are coming from. However, after lots of psychological and spiritual therapy I came to accept God’s Mercy and today I not only have a PsyD, but I am now discerning a priestly vocation. God is good!
There are a couple of things I’d like to say in general. One, do not care one iota what anyone thinks of you. I don’t care if it is family, friends, or the Man in the Moon. All you need to care about is what God thinks of you. I know, easier said than done, especially when dealing with the guilt you are dealing with.
Two, always remember God’s mercy. While He is Just, He is also Mercy. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, you could ever have done, are doing, or will do, that He will not forgive. You have repented and God is giving you his Mercy… accept it despite yourself.
Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future Maronite priest,