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President Bush’s second inaugural address was not only visionary, it was incendiary. “By our efforts, we have lit a fire,” he proclaimed, “a fire in the minds of men. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world.” …

thanks to our military might, our economic abundance, and our moral clarity, American power is, truly, the “untamed fire” in the world today. Yes, occasionally it fizzles and gutters out, tragically, as in Vietnam. But for most of our history, around much of the world, it has transformed everything it has come near. And that transformation process is likely to continue for a long, long time.

– James Pinkerton
Sure, he lit a fire, while he ignores the fires at home. We slaughter 1.5 million babies a day and we setting out to wreck the instituion of marriage and we are doing everything we can to remove God from every aspect of public life–yet we sure are heroes for lighting the fire of change.
If Bush were a real visionary he would do everything within his grasp to save the unborn babies we slaughter. Lincoln is considered one of the very best Presidents we ever had…and his fame came in the freeing of slaves. How much more worth is there in saving lives?

If Bush wants to set the world ablaze, then he should set a selfless example…save the babies!
The 12th century mystic, Sister Gertrude of Bavaria, spoke intimately with Jesus, being the first to announce the cultus of the Sacred Heart, which Jesus promised would be most important at a later time. The message of Christ’s mercy was renewed with the King of France, who refused Christ’s plea through a mystic for France’s exaltation of His Sacred Heart, with the promise of His protection.

The French monarchy fell 100 years to the day after this message to embrace the Sacred Heart was given. Christ’s loving mercy is the flame to which we must have recourse, as Sister Faustina was again so blessed to remind us. May Christ’s mercy be enlivened in us through His Sacred Heart, of Whom we beg every blessing.

Sister Gertrude’s convent was burglarized, a horrible and impious violation. She asked vengeance of Christ, who turned the tables on her. Pray mightily for his conversion, He counseled. Each must bring Christ’s mercy, praying and working. Say the daily Rosary for peace as Our Lady of the Rosary asked at Fatima.

Shelter unwed mothers tossed out on the street for not having abortions. Raise money to process DNA rape kits so that the rape-abortion link is broken by jailing rapists. Pass out STD info on campuses to discourage extramarital sex and abortion. We will be judged for our actions, not the seeming inaction of others. Stop blaming others for not effecting Christ’s love. “ORA ET LABORE.” Pray and work.
The Catholic Church’s often-mentioned preferential option
for the poor “is not optional,” says Bishop Samuel Ruiz Garcia,
who recently spoke at Notre Dame’s Hesburgh Center for
International Studies as part of the lecture series honoring
Archbishop Oscar Romero. The importance of solidarity with the
poor is “constitutive of the Church,” said Ruiz, noting that Romero
came to insist upon a faith linked to social justice. This 2003
lecture in the Archbishop Romero series, which is co-sponsored by
the Kellogg Institute, was dedicated to Romero as a “martyr of the
option for the poor.”
Ruiz, the retired bishop of Chiapas, Mexico, quoted Romero
as saying, “The Christian who doesn’t want to live this
commitment of solidarity with the poor is not worthy of being
called a Christian.” But Romero recognized that his own highprofile
demands for greater social justice were putting him at risk
from El Salvador’s paramilitary death squads. Ruiz quoted Romero
in a 1980 newspaper interview two weeks before he was killed as
he celebrated Mass: “May my death, if God accepts it, be for the
liberation of my people and like a testimony of hope for the
Latin American bishops, in key statements from the 1960s to
the 1990s, have said that the poor and the rich are not merely
juxtaposed, but rather there is “a relationship of causality,” said
Ruiz. “There are rich because there are poor, and vice versa.” He
praised Romero as a man ready to recognize his faults and ask for
forgiveness and as a man who saw the need to counter violence by
countering its roots in social injustice.
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