Praised be Jesus Christ! I am joining this conversation a little late, and I can see the movement of the conversation is not to discuss the Constitutions, so I apologize in advance. But for future reference, here is the thread on phatmass with more details on this, phatmass.com/phorum/topic/58540-the-discalced-carmelite-nuns-1990-1991-constitutions/
HolyHearts is correct in that the 1990s were not written by St. Maravillas. They are the Alcala Constitutions that Discalced Carmelite Nuns have followed since 1581 and were the ones St. Teresa exhorted her daughters to follow on her deathbed. The 1991 Constitutions are newly written and are pretty different from the old ones. They are also a lot longer. I am not saying one is better than the other. They are both approved and what is important is to grow in holiness and the love of Christ under either. And I agree with Ecce in that what matters regarding this in discernment is what God wants.
It is definitely true that there are some cases of 1991 Carmels being stricter in their observances than ones under the 1990s. The most traditional 1991 Carmel in the US is probably Cristo Rey in San Francisco. They keep many of the old practices like double grilles as well.
Double grilles were something in all Papally Enclosed monasteries up until the 1960s/70s. St. Charles Borromeo wrote the rules for cloistered nuns which included this. It was not something specifically in the Discalced Carmelite Nuns’ Constitutions nor specific to the time of St. Teresa. Although something specific to them which I have not seen an example of in other cloistered monasteries was the addition of spikes on the double grilles. You can see they are still at the Carmel of San Jose in Avila in the videos in this thread, phatmass.com/phorum/topic/109813-croatian-actress-professes-solemn-vows-in-avila/ If anyone can find spikes on the grilles of cloistered nuns in other orders, I would love to see them! I haven’t found any yet.
Carmels under the 1990 Constitution are most definitely not forbidden communication with the Discalced Carmelite Friars, nor totally separated from them. They remain in the same Order. They are just not juridically under the Father General.
But there are many examples of 1990 Carmels having OCD Friars come to give them spiritual conferences, retreats, novenas, etc. Last year Valparaiso had one for their annual retreat. They have had several of the Friars for events like this. Dallas has as well, and Buffalo.
I don’t think it was ever the intention of the nuns who preferred the old Constitutions to completely separate from the Friars. But given the trials/confusion that was happening in the Church after VII, they did what they did, with approval from the Holy Father, to protect the strict way of life that had been given to them by their Holy Mother.
Also, now one of the nuns who presented these Constitutions to JPII, her cause for beatification has been opened, madremariajosefa.es/
HolyHearts is correct in that the 1990s were not written by St. Maravillas. They are the Alcala Constitutions that Discalced Carmelite Nuns have followed since 1581 and were the ones St. Teresa exhorted her daughters to follow on her deathbed. The 1991 Constitutions are newly written and are pretty different from the old ones. They are also a lot longer. I am not saying one is better than the other. They are both approved and what is important is to grow in holiness and the love of Christ under either. And I agree with Ecce in that what matters regarding this in discernment is what God wants.
It is definitely true that there are some cases of 1991 Carmels being stricter in their observances than ones under the 1990s. The most traditional 1991 Carmel in the US is probably Cristo Rey in San Francisco. They keep many of the old practices like double grilles as well.
Double grilles were something in all Papally Enclosed monasteries up until the 1960s/70s. St. Charles Borromeo wrote the rules for cloistered nuns which included this. It was not something specifically in the Discalced Carmelite Nuns’ Constitutions nor specific to the time of St. Teresa. Although something specific to them which I have not seen an example of in other cloistered monasteries was the addition of spikes on the double grilles. You can see they are still at the Carmel of San Jose in Avila in the videos in this thread, phatmass.com/phorum/topic/109813-croatian-actress-professes-solemn-vows-in-avila/ If anyone can find spikes on the grilles of cloistered nuns in other orders, I would love to see them! I haven’t found any yet.
Carmels under the 1990 Constitution are most definitely not forbidden communication with the Discalced Carmelite Friars, nor totally separated from them. They remain in the same Order. They are just not juridically under the Father General.
But there are many examples of 1990 Carmels having OCD Friars come to give them spiritual conferences, retreats, novenas, etc. Last year Valparaiso had one for their annual retreat. They have had several of the Friars for events like this. Dallas has as well, and Buffalo.
I don’t think it was ever the intention of the nuns who preferred the old Constitutions to completely separate from the Friars. But given the trials/confusion that was happening in the Church after VII, they did what they did, with approval from the Holy Father, to protect the strict way of life that had been given to them by their Holy Mother.
Also, now one of the nuns who presented these Constitutions to JPII, her cause for beatification has been opened, madremariajosefa.es/