Vocations are easy when you get dreams and visions or pray in tongues

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Thanks for sharing your opinion. Its interesting to observe how people evualate another’s spiritual life
It is inspirational for the many student deciples to experience the power of the holy spirit
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing your opinion. Its interesting to observe how people evualate another’s spiritual life
I see that you did not respond to any of my observations. Does that you agree with my opinion?

No one on an internet forum can “evaluate another’s spiritual life”. All we can do is respond to what you have posted. If someone has evaluated your posts wrongly, I strongly encourage you to correct them!
It is inspirational for the many student deciples to experience the power of the holy spirit
Yes I agree. Catholic students who attend charismatic college where the gifts of the Holy Spirit are active also enjoy this experience.
Have you considered the possibility that what you’re seeing is simply theatrics/the power of suggestion? I’m not saying that people are necessarily consciously lying, but it’s very possible for people to get carried away and convince themselves of something they want to believe.
Sid Roth?

He’s right up there with Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen…

They all represent heretical, deformed, twisted versions of Christianity which are utterly foreign to Apostolic Christianity.
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Sid Roth?

He’s right up there with Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen…

They all represent heretical, deformed, twisted versions of Christianity which are utterly foreign to Apostolic Christianity.
Wait, you’re telling me that if I say the right prayers or think positive thoughts or whatever, God won’t give me a Maserati and a McMansion? 😧
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God won’t give me a Maserati and a McMansio
It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

These charlatans have bankrupted thousands of grandmother’s and widows - they prey on the weakest, most naive and gullible, and defenseless people in the world.

Osteen is a straight up wolf.
His Sunday morning tv series is nothing more than an infomercial for his books.
It’s amazing what some people will believe if they hear it from a guy with chemically whitened teeth and a spray tan.
It’s good to keep in mind though that not every experience is the Holy Spirit though.
Try to keep your mind focused on the word “Holy”.
The experience might seem like wow but if the experience doesn’t seem Holy then it’s likely not from the Holy Spirit.

If you are still young then some of this may take time to discern for yourself and you might not be receptive of anything that sounds like a “downer” on your experiences.
Most people are not trying to :poop:on your experiences -it’s just that they’re been there and done that and learnt.
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Lol so true.
Lucky we have relatively few of these types of people in Australia (apart from Hillsong) but occasionally I turn on “those” American religious channels on the Tv for fun and it never seems to amaze me the huge crowds they pull in.

There’s so much focus from them on external looks and appearances too.As if there isn’t enough of that in everyone’s daily and work life-why would people need that in their religion too?

Some are just full on charlatans whereas others probably do have some good teaching and love Jesus but they have distorted teachings too.
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I think you should watch out when talking about these types of experiences. Much discernment is needed. Sometimes people have an active imagination.,Other times they are frauds. And other times the devil, sho can appear as an angel of light, will counterfeit these experiences. I once heard a Pentacostal preacher on TV speaking in tongues. I understood him quite well. He was praising Satan.
Hmm you once heard someone prasibg Satan while praying.
That’s odd.
That is what can happen when you open yourself to whatever spirit you don’t know what.
Well Jesus said if you ask for the holy spirit
You will get . and not a rock or a snake

Hmm I guess its wrong. Cuz the devil may come instead.
There must be discretion in the search for mystical experiences because the Devil can appear as an angel of light.
Do you mean “Abbas desoba cubacantray sobosida motrantray bee me moboa contray sida”?
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My Magic 8 Ball does the same thing at a fraction of the cost.
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