Hello Michael,
Writing “PAX” instead of “peace” conveys to my mind the sentiment that this seminarian will be more likely to celebrate the Latin Mass than would a seminarian writing “peace” instead of “PAX”. And to have another priest in full communion with Rome who will say the Mass in Latin would definitely be cool by me!

As for your question regarding shouldn’t fluency in the Bible be basic, if you’ll forgive further anecdotes, my mother has, as a religion teacher for over twenty years, been swimming against the liberal stream in her diocese, doing her best as one individual to provide at least the children in her classes with lessons of substance despite being supplied with watered-down textbooks presenting weak if not heretical information on pretty much any basic you would care to mention, including Jesus’ identity and resurrection. So pretty much, my mother has to come up with her very own lesson plans from scratch, with little to no support from the parish.
The pastors in my mother’s parish come and go, and to this very day, my mother calls me from out of state and mentions matter-of-factly that she’s got an appointment with the new pastor who will hopefully get rid of the poor quality textbooks and replace them with materials more in line with what the Vatican would find acceptable. The last time she mentioned this in a phone call, was on the day she had cataract surgery … despite her physical condition, teaching those kids the Catholic Faith in all its fullness remained uppermost in her mind.
~~ the phoenix
Writing “PAX” instead of “peace” conveys to my mind the sentiment that this seminarian will be more likely to celebrate the Latin Mass than would a seminarian writing “peace” instead of “PAX”. And to have another priest in full communion with Rome who will say the Mass in Latin would definitely be cool by me!

As for your question regarding shouldn’t fluency in the Bible be basic, if you’ll forgive further anecdotes, my mother has, as a religion teacher for over twenty years, been swimming against the liberal stream in her diocese, doing her best as one individual to provide at least the children in her classes with lessons of substance despite being supplied with watered-down textbooks presenting weak if not heretical information on pretty much any basic you would care to mention, including Jesus’ identity and resurrection. So pretty much, my mother has to come up with her very own lesson plans from scratch, with little to no support from the parish.
The pastors in my mother’s parish come and go, and to this very day, my mother calls me from out of state and mentions matter-of-factly that she’s got an appointment with the new pastor who will hopefully get rid of the poor quality textbooks and replace them with materials more in line with what the Vatican would find acceptable. The last time she mentioned this in a phone call, was on the day she had cataract surgery … despite her physical condition, teaching those kids the Catholic Faith in all its fullness remained uppermost in her mind.
~~ the phoenix