Voluntary Human Extinction

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Wow. That’s disturbing and ridiculous. And the website makes it look so cute and harmless and light. Do you think I should email them and tell them that I’m expecting our 6th child?
Well, i don’t breed. I reproduce. And i do it voluntarily. Because i don’t think this stupid planet was put here to have fun without me.
I read their section on why they don’t just commit suicide. It was laughable, of course. According to them, they’re needed to spread the message, but God forbid anyone have any children to spread any other message or have any more children, period. So much for freedom of action on the part of others–all they want is freedom for themselves. It is obvious they are a bunch of nutcases whom we ought to pity with every fiber of our being.
I think they should lead the way by taking a long walk off a short pier.

I suspect Gaia would be indifferent, but her scaly children would be happier.
I used to think well of them a few years ago, when I thought dogs were telling me that humans were evil, and spreading like yeast making alcohol. I almost joined. :eek: My parents didn’t let me tho, they thought it was crazy. Now I think its crazy too. I found out about this in Ripley’s believe it or not.
That website is hilarious. I don’t think even PP would take them seriously.
I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry when I read that page. Maybe I should be grateful that many of the world’s people who are still having lots of babies do not have reliable internet access.
The only way for them to be sucessful is for their movement and population to die off…now that is funny, but it did remind me of a recent thread on CA and some emails I exchanged with an Episcopalian bishop or something… he had me read their Catechism which basically said that they believed it was necessary to limit ofspring to be good stewards of the earth.
The person who wrote this claims to be a wiccan and what upsets me is the way he tries to put God into all of it using scripture to justify his beliefs. Then he said that The pope is not infallible and that the bible does not outlaw abortion or contraception and claimed John VI wrote Humanae Vitae. It was Paul VI, right.
The scary thing is that the Episcopals have a stewardship thing that actually sounded alot like this… you know, can’t have kids to preserve the earth…yada yada yada
I was thinking about this today, and it makes me sad that my 5th child (see below) is a threat to anyone.
I think these people just do not want to share their toys with anyone else.
You would think if they felt so strongly about this they would be brave martyrs for the cause, and sacrifice themselves for their greater good, but it is other people who are the problem apparently, not them.
Although I am advocate some population control agendas (well, murder or eugenics is not neccesary to accomplish this) to reduce the strain on the biosphere by humans, I find this too extreme. BTW, did you learn about this from a creationist website?

See: creationontheweb.com/content/view/4803/
Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth’s biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve ***as we become less dense.

I’m not sure the owners of the site can become less dense.
The person who wrote this claims to be a wiccan and what upsets me is the way he tries to put God into all of it using scripture to justify his beliefs. Then he said that The pope is not infallible and that the bible does not outlaw abortion or contraception and claimed John VI wrote Humanae Vitae. It was Paul VI, right.
Yes, you are quite right, it was Pope Paul VI. Thank you for pointing that out. With blunders such as that, no one will take us seriously. 🙂
Did I say I was Wiccan? Just goes to show how we say off-handed things in youthful folly and it comes around later in life.

Did I say I was Wiccan? Just goes to show how we say off-handed things in youthful folly and it comes around later in life.

If not Wiccan, surely this religion is right up your alley:


The beauty of the web is that any movement becomes legitimate if enough people question the verocity of a web site. Sort of like negative approval in reverse! I see your web page for what it is; nothing but satire. Not even good satire at that!

Best regards,

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