Voluntary Human Extinction

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It is at least partly satire, and in the tradition of the best satire, while it’s blackly humorous, it also makes a pretty good point, however twisted. It’s quite well done in my opinion, and stands up there with Swift’s A Modest Proposal. It’s extreme, if politely so (it doesn’t go so far as to advocate genocide, cannibalism, murder, or even suicide) and thoroughly points out humanity’s irresponsible and dangerously foolish misuse of this planet. It’s even well-researched, and I noticed partway through the Death section that the Weekly World News is cited, something I found particularly amusing.

In 50 years, there won’t be any more edible fish in the ocean. If you don’t believe me, check it out – cod are now severely endangered. Cod, the macaroni and cheese of the sea. Meatless Fridays are about to get a lot harder. In fact, at this rate, we’ll be lucky if there’s anything to eat at all as we sit in our closet-sized living rooms looking out at the seas of high-rise apartment complexes we’ll have to build to fit us all into the Future.
Oh my God. This is ridiculous. The developed countries are growing older and now these guys appear saying “Let’s stop to have babies!”? Absolutely hilarious! :rotfl:
I know some people I’d like to volunteer for the program!
That may not be too far in the future. Eugenics is going towards that goal. Right now it is just the old and sick. How long will it be before it is based on something like beliefs or ideology. 😦
In 50 years, there won’t be any more edible fish in the ocean. If you don’t believe me, check it out – cod are now severely endangered. Cod, the macaroni and cheese of the sea. Meatless Fridays are about to get a lot harder. In fact, at this rate, we’ll be lucky if there’s anything to eat at all as we sit in our closet-sized living rooms looking out at the seas of high-rise apartment complexes we’ll have to build to fit us all into the Future.
We only use 38% of the arable land on the planet. If what you say is true then we should farm more of the land God gave us.
Populations around the globe are falling or coming to a halt growth wise much to our economic detriment.Source: www.pop.org

I can’t stand VHEMT’s accusation that since the Pope doesn’t advocate artificial contraception he is preventing people from not breeding. First of all the pope allows for Natural family planning, second if they can’t take care of anymore kids stop having sex!!! :mad:
There’s no Cod because we are greedy, and demand that particular fish all the time. Stocks are damaged by overfishing, and not by too many babies. Overfishing is caused by greed, not need.
Populations around the globe are falling or coming to a halt growth wise much to our economic detriment.Source: www.pop.org

I can’t stand VHEMT’s accusation that since the Pope doesn’t advocate artificial contraception he is preventing people from not breeding. First of all the pope allows for Natural family planning, second if they can’t take care of anymore kids stop having sex!!! :mad:
Stop having sex??? No wonder you have such a sour expression on your face, Johnny. I hope the cycle comes back around soon so you can turn that frown upside down. You are to be commended for your self control – you can imagine how the vast majority of men would greet your suggestion, no matter when the fertile time is.

Catholic friends of mine practicing NFP are expecting their fourth child – their second unexpected. I guess they need more practice. They’ll find a way to spread their resources and all four will have the opportunity of college – maybe not as expensive a college and debt may incur. It’s not like they’re in a poverty-stricken region of Africa where such a gift from God could lead to death or developmental retardation.

Our global population seems to be doing the opposite of falling, much to our economic and ecological detriment. Sources: census.gov/cgi-bin/ipc/pcwe worldometers.info/

Happy New Year! 🙂
There’s no Cod because we are greedy, and demand that particular fish all the time. Stocks are damaged by overfishing, and not by too many babies. Overfishing is caused by greed, not need.
At first I thought you said “There’s no God because we are greedy.” Thank Cod it was just my bifocals. You’re right that huge greedy corporations buy all the fish they can deep fry and sell in fast food joints. I’m not so sure it’s our greed that makes us want to feed on that fish, though. We can only eat so much and we need to eat something. Babies aren’t big consumers of fish, so you’re right about them not being the reason for overfishing. Now, if we could just keep them from becoming adults. . .

What do you think of this program? It is real.
It is sickening, but not new. I remember being a young teenager and arguing with kids who formed a “pro-death” community on livejournal.

By pro-death I am not meaning the abortion issue, but literally people who believed in things such as killing off others and themselves based on various things such as ugliness, disability, traffic incidents, politics, etc.

And we’re not talking about peer pressured kids in la la eland. These people were serious.
Stop having sex??? No wonder you have such a sour expression on your face, Johnny. I hope the cycle comes back around soon so you can turn that frown upside down. You are to be commended for your self control – you can imagine how the vast majority of men would greet your suggestion, no matter when the fertile time is.

Catholic friends of mine practicing NFP are expecting their fourth child – their second unexpected. I guess they need more practice. They’ll find a way to spread their resources and all four will have the opportunity of college – maybe not as expensive a college and debt may incur. It’s not like they’re in a poverty-stricken region of Africa where such a gift from God could lead to death or developmental retardation.

Our global population seems to be doing the opposite of falling, much to our economic and ecological detriment. Sources: census.gov/cgi-bin/ipc/pcwe worldometers.info/

Happy New Year! 🙂
It’s not the gift from God that leads to horror. The horror of starvation and death is there because of evil governments, leaders, politicians and greed of men.

People are starving to death because their land doesn’t grow vegetation from the bomb residue. So somehow this means the world is overpopulated and the people living there must take birth control, then abort when the birth control fails…and somehow wer’re supposed to fund this as rich americans saving the world and progressing women’s rights.
We only use 38% of the arable land on the planet. If what you say is true then we should farm more of the land God gave us.
Populations around the globe are falling or coming to a halt growth wise much to our economic detriment.Source: www.pop.org

I can’t stand VHEMT’s accusation that since the Pope doesn’t advocate artificial contraception he is preventing people from not breeding. First of all the pope allows for Natural family planning, second if they can’t take care of anymore kids stop having sex!!! :mad:
johnnycatholic, I sense the commonsense/practical attitude coming through here, but a married couple refraining from the marital embrace is not always a good thing. Sexual intercourse is supposed to be unitive and procreative.

I certainly agree that people need to get educated about their bodies and the consequences of their actions…things like abortion sure don’t teach us how to be adults about our boo boos.
It is sickening, but not new. I remember being a young teenager and arguing with kids who formed a “pro-death” community on livejournal.

By pro-death I am not meaning the abortion issue, but literally people who believed in things such as killing off others and themselves based on various things such as ugliness, disability, traffic incidents, politics, etc.

And we’re not talking about peer pressured kids in la la eland. These people were serious.
It’s natural for death to pop into mind the first time one hears of voluntary human extinction – people have caused many extinctions with that method. However, we are suggesting that people stop procreating, not that they die early or kill anyone. Death rates would plummet if the concept of not breeding was widely accepted.
It’s not the gift from God that leads to horror. The horror of starvation and death is there because of evil governments, leaders, politicians and greed of men.

People are starving to death because their land doesn’t grow vegetation from the bomb residue. So somehow this means the world is overpopulated and the people living there must take birth control, then abort when the birth control fails…and somehow wer’re supposed to fund this as rich americans saving the world and progressing women’s rights.
You’re right, I should have placed “gift from God” in quote marks. I also have to agree that starvation “is there because of evil governments, leaders, politicians and greed of men.” When we get those problems taken care of, things will be different.

In the meantime, allowing couples to limit the number of children they have can be very helpful in providing for existing children. If couples can’t afford reproductive health care, including contraceptives, maybe we rich Americans could help out. Preventing “boo boos” prevents abortions.
Nihilism in action.


OTOH, if Sanger’s parents had subscribed to this ungodly practice …
In the meantime, allowing couples to limit the number of children they have can be very helpful in providing for existing children. If couples can’t afford reproductive health care, including contraceptives, maybe we rich Americans could help out. Preventing “boo boos” prevents abortions.
China has tried that for awhile now. It doesn’t work. Despite mandatory birth-control, forced abortions and forced sterilizations their orphanages are full (mostly girls). There is a huge undocumented population in China despite all the “help” the Chinese government is giving them.

I remember Al Gore thought (thinks?) it would be a good idea to limit family size (Earth in the Balance, I think) and I’m sure he’s not the only one. God, in the bible tells us to, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth”. Why would we follow what mere men say when God tells us the opposite?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight” -Proverbs 3:5
I remember Al Gore thought (thinks?) it would be a good idea to limit family size (Earth in the Balance, I think) and I’m sure he’s not the only one. God, in the bible tells us to, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth”. Why would we follow what mere men say when God tells us the opposite?
He says that in Genesis, a book filled with allegory and fable. Were we to take that completely literally, we would end up eating each other since there would be no more room for us to grow food!

While I don’t quite take Les’ rather radical position on this matter, he makes an extremely good point – we should be good stewards of the Earth (also in the bible, hm…) and that stewardship includes keeping ourselves from flooding the planet with humans to the point it can’t support us.

(by the way Les, I think it’s incredibly cool of you to pop up out of nowhere to discuss the movement 😃 )
He says that in Genesis, a book filled with allegory and fable. Were we to take that completely literally, we would end up eating each other since there would be no more room for us to grow food!
I don’t believe that, people at some point die and they, at the very least, need to be replaced. What about the birthrate in Europe? www.washingtonpost.com Overpopulation is a myth, you might look at this thread forums.catholic-questions.org.
While I don’t quite take Les’ rather radical position on this matter, he makes an extremely good point – we should be good stewards of the Earth (also in the bible, hm…) and that stewardship includes keeping ourselves from flooding the planet with humans to the point it can’t support us.
Of course we should be good stewards of the earth I don’t deny that. Our family has only one car, we recycle, we conserve energy, we put one can of garbage at the curb once a week. Sadly many others don’t do their part. Still, care of the earth is not an overpopulation issue but an issue of sloth, greed and apathy.
I don’t believe that, people at some point die and they, at the very least, need to be replaced. What about the birthrate in Europe? www.washingtonpost.com Overpopulation is a myth, you might look at this thread forums.catholic-questions.org.
I’m familiar with arguments on both sides, and I’m quite aware of the aging of Europe and Japan especially. Although overpopulation is far from the only cause, I don’t believe we can really say it isn’t an issue until famine and plague are past history.
I’m familiar with arguments on both sides, and I’m quite aware of the aging of Europe and Japan especially. Although overpopulation is far from the only cause, I don’t believe we can really say it isn’t an issue until famine and plague are past history.
People starve because they can’t get food, not because the earth doesn’t produce it but because governments hoard and distribute as they see fit. Famine happened in biblical times (the stories of Joseph and Elishia come to mind) was the world overpopulated then? People are the problem but not in the way you’re thinking.

I’m not sure what plagues you’re thinking of. Many have been eradicated through innoculations (smallpox etc). Viruses and bacteria mutating is not due to overpopulation, its they way they work.
People starve because they can’t get food, not because the earth doesn’t produce it but because governments hoard and distribute as they see fit. Famine happened in biblical times (the stories of Joseph and Elishia come to mind) was the world overpopulated then? People are the problem but not in the way you’re thinking.
So, let’s do something about it! The fact remains that there is not enough food for people in many parts of the world. I would say that yes, the people in lands struck by famine in biblical accounts were overtaxing the land – or simply had a run of bad luck, but nowadays even if one place doesn’t produce crops another is, and can send it to the first.
I’m not sure what plagues you’re thinking of. Many have been eradicated through innoculations (smallpox etc). Viruses and bacteria mutating is not due to overpopulation, its they way they work.
I realize that; but population density makes it far easier for them to spread. Look at accounts of life in Dickens’ London – the place was filthy and disease-ridden. People threw corpses in alleys, where they festered and infected others. Urban life still has those problems, it’s just that we’re better at handling them now. We have things like working sewers, immunizations, and sterile hospitals – in First World nations at least. And even that isn’t close to perfect: hospitals are still a good place to go to get sick.
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