I just found out one the women that goes to my church practices
Voodoo, do I say something to the priest, the rest of the congre-gation or say nothing at all? She doesn’t come to church
that often, she kneels, but never goes up to accept the host or the
wine. I thought Voodoo was kind of like witchcraft and that’s not
being a Christian. If I’m wrong, then I’m wrong, but I’m new in this
Catholic field. Appreciate rour thoughts.
Voodoo, do I say something to the priest, the rest of the congre-gation or say nothing at all? She doesn’t come to church
that often, she kneels, but never goes up to accept the host or the
wine. I thought Voodoo was kind of like witchcraft and that’s not
being a Christian. If I’m wrong, then I’m wrong, but I’m new in this
Catholic field. Appreciate rour thoughts.