Curious. What is Hermetcism?I will not argue with you because your will is set in stone, but I will say this. You cannot understand something without studying every aspect of it.
You are only seeing through one scope. Therefore you will never understand because your mind is set in stone. There is plenty of scripture left out of the bible, and the world is not allowed to see this scripture.
There is a reason to it, but that reason will never be understood because you allow words to structure your will. Because you believe God can only be learned through scripture, church, and other people of the same religion. This is a truth I will never except because I have faith in my God who is creator of all things. Therefore cannot be limited in a way you perceive him to be. We all have a purpose choice is only a matter of how you perceive because your destiny is written in stone.
God bless. Stay true to your beliefs.