That is probably the best example of nonsensical rhetoric that I’ve seen in a long time. At any rate, I commend you on your purchase of that thesaurus. Or are you using an online one?Dear Theodred:
It seems we can’t quote Scripture OR Church history without your expressing clerical indignation. One might infer from your bitter, indignant tone that you still hold to that justified medieval attitude spawned in the dark ages where only clerics could read, write, understand or quote Scripture and Church history. You might consider uncollaring your biased perspective on occasion to draw in a breath of fresh air, to finally notice that times have dramatically changed, that we First-world peoples are much better educated in all disciplines, that the Internet has loosed a torrent of once arcane information now easily accessed by unlettered, unfettered lay folks. You may finally come to realize that neither the medics nor the attorneys nor the clergy have exclusive access to their respective domains anymore. It must be so threatening to prestigious professionals who cling to concepts of privileged knowledge, to pedestals of high status, but the great leveler, the great humbler called Advanced Technology is at work here — with no turning back.
Without high technology’s swift, uncensored communication, perhaps the clergy scandal would have continued undetected and unheralded. This tectonic shift in technolgy might also explain the multimillion dollar tsunami settlements sweeping the Church through SNAP’s internet collaborations, and why the computer literate laity in VOTF is gathering more support for participation in the governance and guidance of its Church. It is understandable that professionals like yourself would resist this threatening change from high technology, so we forgive you. But again we have to request, *please refrain from your ‘put down’ comments which only belie the grace and dignity of your spiritual calling. *