As I have not said this for a while, though I have said it often, I know that there are people who cannot be safely (95%) kept secure by being incarcerated. These people are very, very few. I supported St. JP2 that it should be virtually non-existent, and Pope Francis, that it is not a moral option today, not because I accept a premise that all can be safely incarcerated, but because the number of those who are a danger is so negligible as to not be worth the price of having a death penalty.
Abortion is worse, infinitely so. It exists because of our culture, what St. JP2 called the culture of death. All this talk of overturning Roe, pro-life judges, etc., miss the target. We will not make strides in abortion, back to 1960 levels, until we make strides in this culture of death. As long as the message of life is seen as inconsistent, Catholics will be seen as hypocrites trying to regulate morals. We must make visible and consistent the value and dignity of all life, for life’s sake alone, to change those in our communities. Therefore, because I want abortion to end, I will seek the end of the death penalty, along with the totality of Catholic social doctrine, rooted in human dignity.