Vsauce video: 'Is Anything Real?/

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THAT, which never changes and is incapable of change, is Real. All else is transitory as manifestations within THAT. What is Real doesn’t change. what is the corollary here?
I think people understand about what is eternal and transcendent.

However, do consider: You change; you become who you are. You are real.

I’m not saying it’s a bad coping mechanism to get through a particularly bad moment, but thinking that things aren’t real is not a good approach to life.
You have and will go through a lot before this ends- all very real.
I think people understand about what is eternal and transcendent.

However, do consider: You change; you become who you are. You are real.

I’m not saying it’s a bad coping mechanism to get through a particularly bad moment, but thinking that things aren’t real is not a good approach to life.
You have and will go through a lot before this ends- all very real.
I distinguish between what is actual from the perspective of individuated experience and what is Absolute. The “human.” though relatively actual is not in a final sense Real. And if you were to peruse the literature pertinent to non dualism, you might find there a good argument based on experience, or recognition. Or you might balk. Either is fine. Reality is not in the least effected.
I distinguish between what is actual from the perspective of individuated experience and what is Absolute. The “human.” though relatively actual is not in a final sense Real. And if you were to peruse the literature pertinent to non dualism, you might find there a good argument based on experience, or recognition. Or you might balk. Either is fine. Reality is not in the least effected.
I have to assert that the “human” is real.

This koan may seem like nonsense, but it led the monk to enlightenment:
A monk asked Dongshan Shouchu, “What is Buddha?” Dongshan said, “Three pounds of flax.”

Reality is real.
I have to assert that the “human” is real.
Cha gots ta do whatcha gots ta do.
This koan may seem like nonsense, but it led the monk to enlightenment:
A monk asked Dongshan Shouchu, “What is Buddha?” Dongshan said, “Three pounds of flax.”
In other words the monk vanished as he stood there. Did you? Dongshan might well have said that Buddha was the strap of his sandal, or a flea on a dog, and still be right. The monk likely laughed his arse off hard enough to fart. But at that point he could have blamed the Buddha.
Reality is real.
Yes. like I said. Are “you?” Don’t bother answering. You might make someone fart! 😃
I wouldn’t classify them as unreal; their reality would be as statements of potential or possibility.
Possibilities are included, though such statements could also refer to situations that have 0 possibility such as “If I had been alive then…”.
Subjunctive forms of verbs are typically used to express various states of unreality such as wish, emotion, possibility, judgment, opinion, necessity, or action that has not yet occurred
Are lies and distortions unreal? They are statements of what is real as if it were something other than it is.
I’m not quite sure what you are asking here. Are you asking if a lie is a statement about reality or a statement about unreality?
Ok so I was on YouTube and when I got on the front page there was a video on the side by Vsauce titled Is Anything Real?:

I didn’t watch the video but I’m still freaked out. Vsauce is been a pretty reputable channel.

Now the title says Is Anything Real? which is an implication that the video will probably “prove” that NO, nothing is real.

Some of the titles for mentioned with that video by the same channel discuss “Audio Illusion” and “Visual Illusions”.

Is it true that audio and visual is just an illusion?

I worry about this because if it is an illusion than I worry that what if the audio Jesus spoke was just an illusion and the sight of him on the cross was an illusion, etc. etc.

Has anybody seen this video? Here it is…


I just want to know if this is something I should be concerned about…like I said Vsauce seems to be pretty reputable, thats the only reason this bothers me. And the fact that audio and vision could be an illusion freaks me out too.
Why would you trust someone to tell you that nothing is real? If nothing is real, neither is the video or the people who produced the video. So you are trusting the truth to a reality that may not exist. It doesn’t sound logical to me.

Trust your own experience. You see the world around you and you know it is there. Don’t listen to someone who tells you it isn’t real. Yeah, illusions happen, and people get deceived. Big deal; it doesn’t change anything. It is still my senses that tell me the world exists, and it is the senses that point out the illusions. Whether you were deceived by an illusion or not, it was your senses (in conjunction with your reason) that ultimately determined that it was an illusion. If you can’t trust your senses to tell you the truth, then you can’t trust someone else’s senses. And if you can neither trust your own or other peoples senses, then the illusion will always go undetected. So the fact that people can point out illusions is a testament to the fact that you can trust your senses, and that things exist.
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