Waiting until marriage for sex

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Learning how to drive! Thanks AdamP88! There’s a lot of rules to learn first, from a book. Lots. Then there’s the practical, the actual driving, with a person sitting beside you to teach you. It’s a lot of trouble and effort to get a driver’s license and yet, people are ok with it. The reason is that we know we have to share the road with a million other people and to be safe, we all need to follow the same rules of the road.

God created men and women and family life. He gave us a bible and He gave us a Church to be the one who sits beside us as we go through life. Yes there are lots of people who don’t want to pay attention to God’s rules for family. And like car crashes and fatalities on the road when people drive too fast, maybe drink too much, ignoring the rules of the road, so too the people who ignore God’s plan for marriage and family life have fatalities as well, as we see in the number of abortions. We never hear this enough. That’s our own children we’re bringing to be slaughtered.

Let’s learn from the mistakes of others and not go there. That’s the smart choice. Let’s encourage others to make that choice.
Say they have sex before marriage and the one person finds it so beautiful and meaningful and an act of high joy.
And the other person is no more impressed than “meh”.
Who’s right? Who’s wrong?
The rejected person just got majorly played, no matter how you slice it.
I’ve had this sort of talk with a lot of people but never once did I think about it this way, thank you!
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