Look, you did not start out with the most charitable of posts, either. That, however, is not the point. The Catholic Church does not teach that all same sex attractions are the result of some traumatic event. It acknowledges that some people are born with these attractions and that it is a HUGE cross to bear. You may not have been born with that choice. However, you were born with the choice of whether or not to engage in homosexual activities. You do choose to engage in that lifestyle, and that is damaging to you and the part that is a sin.
Since you choose to live your entire life in direct opposition to a very basic Catholic teaching, it begs the question of why you choose to call yourself Catholic?
As for us being “angry” about the Gay Games donation, i don’t think anyone is angry, just frustrated. People tend to paint us as evil gaybashing hicks, when that isn’t where we’re coming from at all (that’d be the Westboro Baptist Church). It’s that i don’t feel i can send my child to public schools without having him indoctrinated with views contrary to everything i believe (birth control, premarital sex, same sex attractions, etc). How am i supposed to raise my child a good Catholic when everyone and everything is sending him exactly the opposite message? We are the minority and the ACLU and liberal media are doing their best to take away the rights of anyone to express any Christian belief whatsoever. Just because i know you should live your life celibately doesn’t mean i hate you; i am Christian, and a sinner myself, and i know God loves you just as much as I. But it does mean that i will put my money into businesses that support the values i want to pass onto my children, and i will let them know they will lose my business if they are undermining my efforts as a parent. That is my right as a Catholic American.