Great advice. I think it is so common and probably has a lot to do with the onset of puberty, raging hormones, utter confusion and frustration on the part of the child regarding these changes along with lots of unseen/underappreciated tension I think they feel throughout their daily routines dealing with peer pressure, body image, trying to fit in socially, keeping up with academic and extra-curricular demands, etc. It’s rough in middle school–I wouldn’t trade places with my kids for anything!! :juggle:The best thing is to give her social clues. There can be one word for you to give to her when she’s being rude…and then she gets one for when she can’t handle what you’re saying.
My friend’s parents did that, and i always thought it was good, because she was socially more capabable than any one of us during those early teen years.
I think the prompt or cue is a great idea. It’s a reminder, a chance to re-balance without escalating the conflict or berating the child for what likely is just him/her blowing off steam onto a “safe” target. Most of all…never take it personally and remember the stage will pass if you have modeled and taught them the proper way to interact with parents/family.