I do not presume to be ThinkingSapien’s spokesperson; however, his quote in summary states that the Big Bang theory explains the universe in that, at some prior point 13.74 billion years ago, there began an expansion of space-time and matter from a single point. This point of expansion is widely held to be the beginning of the known universe.
The key word being known. Known, as defined by me, meaning understood to be true based on observable or otherwise able to be experienced phenomena. The beginning of the known universe. Science however cannot prove that this was the beginning of all things in whatever form that may have taken prior to the Big Bang. Science can neither prove nor disprove this because it would be unobservable. There would be no testable hypothesis for what came before the Big Bang, if anything. You, KingCoil, believe that nothing (aside from God I assume) existed prior to this point.
What ThinkingSapien is saying, is that he cannot know with absolute certainty that the expansion point of the Big Bang was the absolute beginning of all matter/quantum fluctuation/what have you. The reason for this is because it cannot be scientifically verified, as it occurred prior to the existence of the known universe. From a scientific standpoint, I agree. We cannot know this with certainty, as we cannot observe this. It existed (or not) prior to this universe.
You, Kurisu, say:
“You, KingCoil, believe that nothing (aside from God I assume) existed prior to this point.”
Okay, everyone here, and please, addressing also ThinkingS:
I never ever anywhere at anytime said that I “believe that nothing -](aside from God I * assume)/-] existed prior to this point.”
It is now my turn to ask ThinkingS and everyone who is trying to tell me that I did not get ThinkingS correctly, to ask namely:
Where in the universe and in particular in Catholic Answers ever anytime at all have I said that I “believe that nothing -](aside from God I * assume)/-] existed prior to this point.”
I tell you all now in particular ThinkingS, that I have been advocating for ever that intelligent thinking grounded on logic and facts brings man to come to conclude that God creator of the inverse exists, like the nose exists – when it comes to just plain existence.
What I really dislike most vehemently is this habit of ThinkingS to not just tell me again in precise concise definitive words now and here what he said before; that is where I find exchanging ideas with him to be impossible, namely, that he requires me to find where he said what, instead of just coming out like I have just done here, with what exactly to the point in the instant issue at hand, namely, I am asking everyone, is it a fact that the universe did begin to exist.
Okay, ThinkingS and everyone who is trying to tell me what he is into, is that what you ‘believe’ that I am into? namely:
That I “believe that nothing -](aside from God I * assume)/-] existed prior to this point
[the beginning of the universe]**.”
Now, emotionally I find it most abominable that people go away when I am trying to work out with them as to concur on anything at all, like the for example the nose in our face, or what is certainty, or that it is a fact that the universe has a beginning.
That is what I find most abominable, but with ThinkingS, he also goes away, or keeps repeating that he already said this or that but will not just now and here say it again, period.
Okay, please when you react to this post from me, please, just tell me:
Where and when (reproducing the text and the links) have I ever said that I “believe that nothing -](aside from God I * assume)/-] existed prior to this point *[the beginning of the universe]**.”
Please do not bring in anything else, but please just answer that question immediately above this line here with a period (.) ending it.
Now, please don’t react to the paragraph below unless and until you have answered the question above, (addressing ThinkingS):
You know ThinkingS, I don’t like to look for and dig up what you want me to do or to read something you already said earlier, because I fear that you will insist that I am not getting you correctly; so I just require you to say it again, but you just keep on and on and on with now a link and no text.
You will tell me that you are afraid that I might deny that what you say now is what you said before.
Listen ThinkingS, have I not been always telling you and everyone here, that when we have a conflict of you say this and I say you didn’t or I have defined this word and you have defined it differently, that in that case then we have to work together to get to come to concurrence on what you actually said before and now say that you are saying the same thing, or on a mutually agreed on definition of a word?
For example, I am asking you and everyone here now, is it a fact that the universe has a beginning, please answer – that is what I have been asking for sometime already; and I have been repeating it again and again, so that you folks will not say that I didn’t ask that before but only now.
Okay, dear ThinkingS and everyone humans of good will and sincerity to communicate successfully, please reply to my two questions here in this post:
- Where and when (with text and links) have I ever said that I “believe that nothing -](aside from God I * assume)/-] existed prior to this point *[the beginning of the universe]**.”
- Is it a fact that the universe has a beginning?