OP. You can each love the other and yet not be right for marriage with each other. You are both still quite young and honestly you may grow in different directions over the next few years as you enter the world outside of school.
I felt called to marriage many years ago and I’m still single. I have faith that the right person will happen at the right time, but it is very hard sometimes. Other times when I see the number of friends who rushed into marriage and are now divorced or miserable, well I feel much better for having waited. The one thing that I’ve learned in my life is that the things that work the best happen on God’s timing, not ours.
One of the men who I thought that I would marry was happy with our relationship being in the “waiting” stage for a number of years right after I graduated college. I finally asked him when he was thinking marriage would be right and he said something about 40. Our families had met and we all loved each other too, but I cut him loose and we remained friends. I realized that if I was his “one” that he would not have been thinking to wait a decade or so.
We were preventing each other from seeing the other possibilities around us by holding onto a relationship that was not quite right. He met his wonderful wife who is a much better match for him (although similar to me in many ways) a few years later. He proposed in less than one year. They are still very happy.
It may be hard to think about, but you not only need the right man but also the timing must be right for both of you or a good marriage will not happen. You should not have to play games to get a proposal or to get him down the aisle even if he proposes “on his own.”
What you may need to do is to take a break from each other where both of you can really think about what you want in life and if you desire to spend some time seeing who else is out there. I know this is a scary thing for many people, but if you are meant to be together then you will survive it. No dates with each other and no frequent boyfriend/girlfriend calling or messaging. No inquiring about the other person’s relationships either because during this time you are both free and single.
After a set amount of time, say 6 months you could sit down and discuss what you found out about yourselves and the possibility of a future together. I don’t suggest this option as a method of playing a game, but as a mature method of giving yourselves time to individually discern about your future as an individual and the two of you as a couple. If you are not sure of who you are on your own, it is hard to see how you know what you are offering to your future spouse.
Above all pray that God’s will is done in both of your lives!