But none of us have infinite opportunities to repent. You could die in the next hour. Why would you think you have infinite opportunities?
It is because of what can lead you to. Once you do not have the bridegroom in your mind and heart, the devil, the world and the flesh will pull you down into many sins.How can it be possible to lose your soul if you are not vigilant enough?
One of the reasons Jesus told parables was precisely to make us feel the gap between our own opinions and expectations and the way God does things, which often runs contrary to what we’re taught is “just” (either because we find it too harsh, or because we find it too kind, as in the parable of the workers of the eleventh hour).In my opinion their sin was not as great as the sin of Judas
This is a parable! Parables are not direct catechesis. They start with what is known to the listeners.Does that really deserve the sort of treatment they were subjected to as a result i.e total banishment and an unforgiving master?