A foreshadowing of things to come our way if HC is the potusHitler was not liberal in the classic sense of the word in allowing for other points of view as a priority.
But then many self defined liberals of today are not classic liberals either.
Hitler was socialist, not just in name but in the sense of being a western power that was anti Christian, thrived on victim politics and sought to solve all problems through an all powerful and secular authoritarian state.
The Nazi state tried very hard to have absolute control of universal medicine, morals, religion, education, social groups, business (through nationalisation and government regulation), guns/weapons, trade labour movements etc etc and sought to remove all non Nazi state groups from these areas by state dictate and if needed by state violence.
I still have enough respect for the word ‘liberal’ to not ascribe it to Hitler. But he was definitely socialist and despite the recent control of western universities by leftist academics telling us different, he was definitely on the far left of politics.