We had my son’s birthday party on Sunday. (His birthday was actually the 17th, but we planned a trip for him to visit grandpa in New Jersey for this week, so we had the party early) We had the party at my son’s dad’s house. Well, stepmom pretty much took over everything----told him that he could take his birthday money to NJ before I could say anything, told him that he could wear a shirt that I had said I didn’t want him to have and that I was going to return, opened his presents and cards with him, while I sat off to the side, and didn’t even read all of my birthday card to him. I didn’t say anything then because I didn’t want to have an argument at his birthday party(and because I was so upset I didn’t trust myself to be calm and rational) But I had planned on saying something later to my son’s father. I was trying to believe the best—that she just wasn’t thinking. She is just so used to doing things and getting them done. Then, I opened my son’s door a little later to see if his shirt was on his bed and I found some clothes that were my son’s and that I hadn’t seen in a while. These were clothes I bought him. So I started checking the sizes to see if they would still fit and began folding them. Then I said, “Oh, here’s his backpack. I haven’t seen that in a while.” ( Before I go on I should let you know that they were having the old rug in their living room pulled up and a new one installed, so a bunch of their stuff was in my son’s bedroom. I thought it was knick-knacks and books, not anything personal like underwear, so I really didn’t think that it was a problem) I was pretty much standing in the doorway anyway.
The next thing I heard was the door slam and she was storming off outside, claiming very loudly and in an angry tone of voice in front of everybody that was still there that I was going into her house going through her stuff! Excuse me? This was my son’s stuff, not hers. If I did anything wrong, it was only because I wasn’t thinking.
**Was I wrong to try to get my son’s stuff from his bedroom? I am always asking them for his clothes and I haven’t seen these in at least 4 months. **
**Also, prayer for me(because I am very angry) and prayer for them would be much appreciated. Any advice is welcomed, too. **
The next thing I heard was the door slam and she was storming off outside, claiming very loudly and in an angry tone of voice in front of everybody that was still there that I was going into her house going through her stuff! Excuse me? This was my son’s stuff, not hers. If I did anything wrong, it was only because I wasn’t thinking.
**Was I wrong to try to get my son’s stuff from his bedroom? I am always asking them for his clothes and I haven’t seen these in at least 4 months. **
**Also, prayer for me(because I am very angry) and prayer for them would be much appreciated. Any advice is welcomed, too. **