Was I wrong?/Stepmother issue

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Mom of one:
Of course. Any woman that tells the cops that she is concerned that I am abusing my child when I was very clearly playing with him needs to be held at arms length. (even the cop didn’t believe it. You should have seen him roll his eyes while he was here!) Any woman that shrugs her shoulders when told her intended verbally abused me and threatend me needs to be held at arms length. Any woman that says she is going to have their daughter baptized and there is “Nothing he can do about it” and not only has she not done it, she proceeded to lie to my son and say that she didn’t believe in God when her husband was around, after telling me, in front of my son that she did believe in God, needs to be held at arms length.
All the more reason to do the list with the ex regarding the clothes, avoid her when possible, and really think about two birthday parties for the boy next year (Ex can plan his, you can plan yours).👍
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