Was It Wrong For Churches To Take Payback Protection Program(PPP)? - Planned Parenthood

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Very few of the influential churches, seminaries, and pastors have pushed back on lockdowns, Critical Race Theory, and almost all are not gathering for in-person worship or have severely restricted it. John MacArthur is an outlier in this regard, but he had changed positions on this issue in August. Perhaps The American Family Association and The Christian Post are the other notable exceptions to this observation. However, most churches listed here have peddled panic porn. The Gospel Coalition, 9Marks, and Christianity Today peddled panic porn as well. David Platt organized a pseudo Black Lives Matter March while keeping his church shut down. JD Greear announce no in person gatherings indefinitely. The ERLC has been nowhere defending religious liberty.

It is also clear that churches did not consider taking this money to be a substantial hit on their witness. Should these loans end up being forgiven, they will essentially be a tax payer bailout for churches who chose to lock down. Should the churches fail to qualify for forgiveness, their congregants will be strapped with the debt. It is conceivable that churches are maintaining their docile nature because they want to qualify got more bailouts in the future or that not abiding by lockdowns could disqualify their loan forgiveness.
The article asks a valid question. Planned Parenthood took PPP so will we ever see this money paid back or is it free money for businesses.?
At least 43 Planned Parenthood affiliates received loans of $65 million to $150 million, according to the SBA records. Planned Parenthood withdrew from the federal government’s main family planning fund last year after Trump issued a regulation that would otherwise have limited its ability to advise patients about abortion.

Rachel Bovard, a former Senate GOP aide who is senior director of policy for the Conservative Partnership Institute, said Republican lawmakers had expected Planned Parenthood to be barred from getting loans under affiliation rules.

“An investigation into how Planned Parenthood was awarded these funds over the intent of the members who voted for it appears warranted,” she said in a text message.
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If they followed the rules and used the money as it was intended, then there’s no problem. If they didn’t, I believe there are provisions in the law for the government to get the money back.
I think people should be more concerned about recouping the lost CARE funding that went to fraudulent claims from convicts in California …

Is this what you are speaking about?

Articles like this make everyone wonder why they work so hard and receive little in exchange. US citizens will get $600.

Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night," the Wall Street Journal’s Michelle Hackman reported Monday. “That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now.”
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