I don’t know how plausible it is, because I only dimly recall reading it once, but I have seen the suggestion that Jesus’ “It is finished” from the Cross was a somewhat loose rendering of that last bit there, the “He has wrought it/He has done it.” Suggesting that He quoted the first line, recited most of it in His head (while giving everyone else time to do the same) and then said the very end out loud – the very end that says “God did the thing,” meaning in this instance “God just now did the thing.”30 Posterity shall serve him; men shall tell of the Lord to the coming generation,
31 and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn, that he has wrought it.
We see Jesus do something similar when He visits His hometown and is asked to read the Scripture in the synagogue. He reads a passage written in the first person by Isaiah about someone sent by God to bring healing and deliverance, and then His “homily” on the passage is basically, “That’s me, right now. Everyone else who has ever read this passage was just waiting for the guy who actually is the ‘me’ being referred to. I’m him.” IIRC the Nazareth congregation didn’t take it well.