Was Jesus just a nice guy? Jordan Peterson

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In fact, one of the best ways of characterizing a higher-order-morality is someone whose morals have the capability for violence and the capability for aggression at hand; but who is also perfectly capable of controlling that in a civilized manner. One of the things that men should do, as they mature, is transform themselves into monsters but also become civilized at the same time. In stories, the ideal man starts out as a beast and becomes civilized. He doesn’t start out as a milksop wimp and then become a hero. That doesn’t work."

M’kay…Check that one off…😇

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what is that to you woman?” To their mother
I get the point you’re making, but I believe “woman” was a reference by Jesus to Genesis.
I also.believe it was actually a respectful term of address by men towards women at the time and in that culture.

Christ had no problems breakimg taboos in order to be unusually kind to women - eg the woman whose bleeding He cured. Remember, being touched by a bleeding woman was considered to be a breach of Levitical law and ritually defiling. Which is likely why no-one wanted to.tell Jesus who.touched Him at first, normally such a deed would.at least be grounds for a stern rebuke. Instead He was all compassion.

I find it hard to believe Christ would.be so kind to a stranger but disrespectful to.the Blessed Virgin.
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My personal opinion, is that Christ being a human like everyone else…though had never sinned makes it impossible to know his personality as none of our age has ever met Him in person.
All our perspective is based on interactions with humans who are sinful.
Anyone who personally knew Christ are long past.
We only know sinful people…how could we possibly draw any conclusion as to His “niceness”?

I often at adoration try and picture myself being alive in His time and interacting with Him…but I can only hypothesize.
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Being niice and the truth aren’t incompatible and it is usually the most effective thing to do. Agression doesn’t get anywhere these days at least.
You have to love the sinner but you also have to hate the sin. This is not a platitude. If you fail to do either you are not a Christian. Your love for the sinner needs to be sincere and passionate. But your hatred for sin also needs to be sincere and passionate. Our society is morally crumbling before our eyes, mostly because “modern” Christians don’t care enough to stop it.
Contempt for sin can be an interior dispostion that reveals itself by seeking to remove it from others in a gentle fraternal matter. This has the highest chance for success.
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Contempt for sin can be an interior dispostion that reveals itself by seeking to remove it from others in a gentle fraternal matter. This has the highest chance for success.
If a society is open to fraternal correction, then no aggression is needed. But if it refuses to change, and if the evils it is perpetuating are leading to its ruin, then those evils need to be confronted. This is an act of sincere love for your society and also a demonstration of sincere hatred for the sin it is doing.
But if it refuses to change, and if the evils it is perpetuating are leading to its ruin, then those evils need to be confronted. This is an act of sincere love for your society and also a demonstration of sincere hatred for the sin it is doing.
That only makes them more stubborn.
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One of the things that men should do, as they mature, is transform themselves into monsters but also become civilized at the same time. In stories, the ideal man starts out as a beast and becomes civilized. He doesn’t start out as a milksop wimp and then become a hero. That doesn’t work."

I love this. And while it may apply in a particularly visible way to men, I think it’s true of women too. “Nice guys” and “nice girls” is not what we were made for.
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