Was Padre Pio a problem?

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I almost joined up last year with a Traditional Latin mass movement (SSPX), they had paperwork from a place called Our Lady of the Rosary Library (www.olrl.com) One of there papers was abour Padre Pio and how he was in trouble with Rome for a while and how he never celebrated a Novus Ordo mass. They say he bedded several people to disband the Second Vatican council and so on. And for doing so among other things he was in trouble with officials in Rome for a while, I don’t believe it but what is the official story behind what really happened? This place also has papers called “The Evils of the New Mass” I hope people will be aware of groups like this and stay far far far away.
that makes me sad. the rumors, not padre pio. i would like to hear more about it, just to help dispel, though. anyone know?
…They say he bedded several people to disband the Second Vatican council and so on…
What does that mean?

It was my understanding that the SSPX group is on the outs with the Vatican. I think they are suppose to be in line with those that don’t accept the changes of Vatican II, and don’t recognize any pope that came after that.
Christy Beth:
It was my understanding that the SSPX group is on the outs with the Vatican. I think they are suppose to be in line with those that don’t accept the changes of Vatican II, and don’t recognize any pope that came after that.
I think there’s a term for those sorts of people who don’t accept Vatican II nor the current Popes – the “Mel-Gibson Catholics”.😃
I think there’s a term for those sorts of people who don’t accept Vatican II nor the current Popes – the “Mel-Gibson Catholics”.😃
I have seen this title as Pope Pius the X Catholics.
But remember there is a saying that goes believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see!
I do not know who would have ever said or have printed material on this but I for one would not believe this one unless I saw it.😦
To I have heard,
        I believe that, St. Padre Pio has never ever deny the Catholic Church a bit. In fact, I think that, he and Pope John Paul II. has been friends. I know that when Pope John Paul 2 canonized St. Padre Pio, he didn't say anything bad on his homily about this holy Saint who in fact has stigmatas and, can know into people's hearts while they were confessing to him. To me, so far I know St. Padre Pio, the reason why he can't say mass and can't hear confessions is because of his stigmatas. It's interesting that the Bishops won't let a holy priest do his duties because, of a miracle. Anyway, that's all I got to say.
I believe it is true that he only celebrated the old Mass – I think he got permission to only celebrate the old Mass, maybe because he was an older priest. I remember reading something to this effect in Inside the Vatican. There is nothing wrong with only celebrating the old, traditional Mass.
Contrary to the SSPX, Padre Pio was Obedient to his Bishop and the Vatican.

I would not take seriously ANYTHING coming from the SSPX. However, What the GREAT Pope Saint Pius X said, YES!!! He is my favorite Pope. Howver, the SSPX seem to believe they have something in common with him. Please:rolleyes: , Pope Saint Pius X was HOLY.
OBEY the Church and the NEW CATECHISM of the CATHOLIC CHURCH, God will do the rest: remember, Christ said, "The gates of hell will not prevail against Her(the Church).
Padre Pio was NEVER a problem…although he went through many trials and tribulations. Due to his gifts (stigmata, bilocution, etc) the Vatican did put a ban on him in every way and was not allowed to leave his cell. He submitted in complete and humble obedience… The problem is that his gifts continued anyway (bilocution) in his exile, so the authorities allowed him to continue his ministries.
Such a holy man would be very obedient to his spiritual authorities, either in the Abbey or at the Vatican. Whether the authorities were right or wrong. A true test of humility, and oh, how God must’ve pronounced his favour upon him!

Padre Pio, pray for us!
I definitely remember that Padre Pio was controversial among Catholics back in the late 1970s. I was living in Italy at the time and heard about Padre Pio from Italian Catholic friends. I distinctly recall that people were divided in whether they thought he was truly holy or a religious fanatic. And I sensed this division reflected what the Italian clergy felt too. So I was somewhat surprised when I heard that he was blessed. (Has he been canonized?)
La Chiara:
I definitely remember that Padre Pio was controversial among Catholics back in the late 1970s. I was living in Italy at the time and heard about Padre Pio from Italian Catholic friends. I distinctly recall that people were divided in whether they thought he was truly holy or a religious fanatic. And I sensed this division reflected what the Italian clergy felt too. So I was somewhat surprised when I heard that he was blessed. (Has he been canonized?)
He is indeed canonized. He is a powerful saint. Those who dislike him fall into the category of heterodox.
He is indeed canonized. He is a powerful saint. Those who dislike him fall into the category of heterodox.
I would have to say that this is going to far.
I would have to say that this is going to far.
Really? Well, then, who are those who dislike him? I have read several books about his life. His detractors have been jealous types, masons, communists and the Catholic lite set.
Really? Well, then, who are those who dislike him? I have read several books about his life. His detractors have been jealous types, masons, communists and the Catholic lite set.
All that declairing a person a saint does is tell us that this individual is in Heaven. It does not require that one “like” them.
All that declairing a person a saint does is tell us that this individual is in Heaven. It does not require that one “like” them.
Perhaps “like” is too casual a term for you? Those who have antipathy toward this Catholic saint, or any saint, seem to have a “problem” with the faith. Why would someone have a problem with a saint? Was he too holy? Did he bring too many to the Faith? Did he love The Blessed Mother too much?

The original post I responded too implied there was a division between people over Padre Pio. I gave my views as to those who accepted him as the Church does and those who do not. What is your point?

BTW, I never said anyone was required to like anyone. I only characterized the groups that were for and against St.Pio.
I was referring to the time before he was formally recognized by the Church, which I believe was fairly recently (in the last 15 years or so). It wasn’t that people didn’t “like” Padre Pio, but that he had a devoted following who viewed him as a holy man and others who were more skeptical or not yet convinced that he was truly holy. Let’s face it, when a religious person starts getting a following, it shakes up the status quo to the consternation of those who want to preserve the status quo. It doesn’t necessarily mean either group is wrong but just that over time the “truth” will prevail.

Anyone have a web site or could educate us about about Padre Pio? I just know the most general things. I don’t think he was Italian–Portuguese or Spanish, perhaps?
La Chiara:
I was referring to the time before he was formally recognized by the Church, which I believe was fairly recently (in the last 15 years or so). It wasn’t that people didn’t “like” Padre Pio, but that he had a devoted following who viewed him as a holy man and others who were more skeptical or not yet convinced that he was truly holy. Let’s face it, when a religious person starts getting a following, it shakes up the status quo to the consternation of those who want to preserve the status quo. It doesn’t necessarily mean either group is wrong but just that over time the “truth” will prevail.

Anyone have a web site or could educate us about about Padre Pio? I just know the most general things. I don’t think he was Italian–Portuguese or Spanish, perhaps?
He is Italian. Yes, there was a long period when the Church suppressed him, but that was revoked long ago. He did bother many in the Church. Those that were bothered were the ones I characterized before. I stand by that post. There are many books about him and at least two movies I have seen on EWTN.

Here are some websites:


What the heck kind of question is “just cause they are in Heaven doenst mean we have to like them”??? :confused:

Why WOULDNT a FAITHFUL (Catholic) LOVE ANY (SAINT)… especially those who have been CANONIZED by our Holy Church???

What up with some people around here lately? 😦
There was an article in last week’s NYTimes about a new church in San Giovanni Rotondo (Italy) that has striking architecture. The article was about the architecture and I had forgotten that it was the Padre Pio church. From a web site posted on this thread, I learned that Padre Pio was from San Giovanni Rotondo in southern Italy. The church was designed by the same architect that built the Pompidou Center in Paris (Renzo Piano) and according to the Times may “push Roman Catholic architecture into a period comparable to the glory days when churches were stylistic showcases for masters like Francesco Borromini and Lorenzo Bernini.”
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