La Chiara:
Pio spent most of his life in San Giovanni Rotundo. He was born in another Italian city…Pietrelcina. The new Church has been criticized by some Catholics as being overly modern and not true to catholic architecture. I am no authority on such things, but I am suspecious of the new design.There was an article in last week’s NYTimes about a new church in San Giovanni Rotondo (Italy) that has striking architecture. The article was about the architecture and I had forgotten that it was the Padre Pio church. From a web site posted on this thread, I learned that Padre Pio was from San Giovanni Rotondo in southern Italy. The church was designed by the same architect that built the Pompidou Center in Paris (Renzo Piano) and according to the Times may “push Roman Catholic architecture into a period comparable to the glory days when churches were stylistic showcases for masters like Francesco Borromini and Lorenzo Bernini.”