Was Padre Pio a problem?

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La Chiara:
There was an article in last week’s NYTimes about a new church in San Giovanni Rotondo (Italy) that has striking architecture. The article was about the architecture and I had forgotten that it was the Padre Pio church. From a web site posted on this thread, I learned that Padre Pio was from San Giovanni Rotondo in southern Italy. The church was designed by the same architect that built the Pompidou Center in Paris (Renzo Piano) and according to the Times may “push Roman Catholic architecture into a period comparable to the glory days when churches were stylistic showcases for masters like Francesco Borromini and Lorenzo Bernini.”
Pio spent most of his life in San Giovanni Rotundo. He was born in another Italian city…Pietrelcina. The new Church has been criticized by some Catholics as being overly modern and not true to catholic architecture. I am no authority on such things, but I am suspecious of the new design.
Christy Beth:
It was my understanding that the SSPX group is on the outs with the Vatican. I think they are suppose to be in line with those that don’t accept the changes of Vatican II, and don’t recognize any pope that came after that.
Actually SSPX’ers believe John Paul II is the Pope. It’s the sedevacantists who don’t believe the Pope is the Pope. Archbishop Lefebvre, the SSPX’s founder threw sedevacantists out of the SOciety. The SSPX is not sedevacantist friendly.

Sedevacantist: One who believes that one,two, three, or all of the Popes since Vatican II have not been popes
Catholic Eagle:
Actually SSPX’ers believe John Paul II is the Pope. It’s the sedevacantists who don’t believe the Pope is the Pope. Archbishop Lefebvre, the SSPX’s founder threw sedevacantists out of the SOciety.
And by this the SSPX’ers are more problematic.

At least when a sedevacanist is disobedient to the Pope they can truthfully say that it is becasue they do not believe he is Pope.

The SSPX’ers show their true schismatic/heretical colors when they admit that John Paul II is pope but then disobey.
Who would say that Padre Pio was a problem?

Do you know he was responsible for a great hospital being built?

Some people said Jesus Christ was a problem, too. So much so they killed Him.

Padre Pio was an extremely Holy Man. Bottom line!
I was just in San Giovanni Rotondo last October… the new “church” is not exactly as it was described – the exterior especially is more like a concrete bunker than anything else :rolleyes: It definitely does not fit in with the surrounding Italian townscape… and in sticking out, it doesn’t even stick out in a way that lifts the heart or mind to God! It just makes you go “ewwww – why mommy?!”

http://www.misionerosdelapalabra.org/imagenes/santos/san pio/preparadas/sangiovanirotondo2_jpg.jpg

And look at this statue!! Hmm. Somehow I don’t think the Padre would appreciate it in quite the way they would expect…

sigh Yes, San Giovanni Rotondo, like most of the Capuchin-run friaries and parishes, suffers from modernism and 70s architecture. There is a reason that Fr. Groeschel and the the other CFRs split from the main Capuchin order!

Whoa, big mistake on my part!!! Sometimes I type wrong. It was supposed to say begged and NOT bedded, God forgive me on that one, very ,very sorry.
What does that mean?

What does that mean?

Whoa big mistake on my part. I typed the wrong thing, it was supposed to say Padre Pio BEGGED, not bedded, very, very sorry, God forgive me, my mistake.
I think there’s a term for those sorts of people who don’t accept Vatican II nor the current Popes – the “Mel-Gibson Catholics”.😃
I am offended at your libelous treatment of Mel Gibson. I understand that he personlly prefers many of the traditional Catholic devotions, and the Indult Latin Mass from the 1962 Missal. But it is wrong and vicious to flatly state he dosn’t “accept Vatican II nor the current Popes”. He has had audiences with the Pope, and does not reject the current Popes. As part of his traditionalism, he also believes in Papal authority and infallibility, and thus does not reject Vatican II.
La Chiara:
I was referring to the time before he was formally recognized by the Church, which I believe was fairly recently (in the last 15 years or so). It wasn’t that people didn’t “like” Padre Pio, but that he had a devoted following who viewed him as a holy man and others who were more skeptical or not yet convinced that he was truly holy. Let’s face it, when a religious person starts getting a following, it shakes up the status quo to the consternation of those who want to preserve the status quo. It doesn’t necessarily mean either group is wrong but just that over time the “truth” will prevail.

Anyone have a web site or could educate us about about Padre Pio? I just know the most general things. I don’t think he was Italian–Portuguese or Spanish, perhaps?
He’s Italian… maybe even still now that we know that he’s a citizen of Heaven? (I digress…)

The ultimate Website for St. Pio de Pietrelcina (formerly known as Padre Pio) is the specialty mini-site for him at EWTN (found under the Faith heading at www.ewtn.com).


Here’s the page at that mini-site for St. Pio that talks about Pietrelcina.


It has a photo of a building and steps there where a couple of people are sitting. I don’t know what that building is… maybe it’s the one in which his room was located.
These forums are **not **for trash-talking the best Pope that ever lived or those who admire him.
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