Your first problem is that you are quoting Karl Marx. Okay, so here’s the thing, this is not a good argument for an individual religion, but an argument for the existence of God. What is morality? Most folks, regardless of belief, would say murder is wrong. But why exactly is murder wrong? Surely, if there’s no lawgiver, we’d have no law, but murder is universally condemned as being wrong. Maybe not a great argument, but it makes more sense than the Marxist and atheist position. Many other folks are much better at this than I am, but the one thing that convinced me about the existence of God was the Big Bang Theory (not the one with Sheldon), which, by the way, at one point was vehemently opposed by atheists. If there is no God, why should we exist? Does man really have no more meaning than other creatures? I look outside, I see the beauty that’s around me, and whilst I do not doubt the belief in evolution, I highly doubt this all happened by random accident. Look to philosophy other than communism for the answer, and the answer is Christ himself, he was before all this. St. John made that statement, the same man that claimed God became man that, you know, KNEW him. So why should we doubt God’s existence? I went through my agnostic phase, but I always believed (fideist agnostic. I find most arguments against God to be extremely weak, and I think you should too. Prayers, God bless.