You should take a trip to the Grand Canyon. It’s spectacular!
Evil is the consequence of falling out of Covenant relationship with God. That from the fall, do consequences come. And it cannot be helped, without God (i.e. in relationship), you suffer pain (i.e. evil.) So by consequence of God’s existence, and falling from His Divine Justice, Mercy. Does evil occur. And it is created. Interesting, though, if God says He creates evil. He is not leaving it on us. And, thus, why Jesus bore our sins on the Cross. He bore all suffering of the world on Him. God takes responsibility for our mistakes. Our evils. He is willing to bear the weight of our sins. And He is a loving God who knows that we’re not able to live without Him. That we suffer when we choose to not be in His Covenant. God does say He is responsible for our Salvation. Hence, why He says as a Consequence of the fall related to Him, and the pains/suffering from it, He creates evil. That all definite things are defined by Him. An dependent upon Him. Good and evil are definite characteristics set by God, the foundation upon His relationship with us. Which is love. It cannot be helped, without His love, we suffer pain and evil. And He allows it to happen so we don’t forget He loves us. He wants us, like a Father, to be His son or daughter. He wants us to live in Divine and Holy Communion with Him, the life of the Holy Trinity, with Mary, the ever Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, and with the Saints, Angels, and all Souls.I form the light, and create darkness, I make peace, and create evil: