After 20 years of war under the Revolution and then the French Empire under Napoleon, what happened after Napoleon was deposed in 1815? The Bourbon kings were restored to the throne. Yes, they were now constitutional kings but kings nevertheless. So, in that sense, I guess you could say the revolution was not a failure in establishing a new order separate from the Ancient Regime, but at what cost? How many had to die for it, justly and unjustly? This was also what began France on the path of underpopulation, something that would really hit hard when the Great War came along in 1914.The French revolution cannot be considered a failure. The revolutionaries sought to establish a nation state, and equality, liberty and fraternity. They did not fail. France and Germany are the economic power houses of Europe. They have an excellent health service and education system. That is not to say their methods left a lot to be desired to say the least, or that France is a utopia, but it cannot be said it is a failure.
Louis XVI was not a perfect king. Things reached a point where something needed to be done but the French monarchy was hamstrung by the ancient rights and privileges that were held by the nobility and the Church. He was a man literally caught between a rock and a hard place. I don’t know what the answer could have been but I do know that a nation that is built on the murder of their king and queen, along with many royal family members is certainly not a nation built upon the good for all. It is a bit of a stretch to maintain that things have been made better when it takes the closing, looting and sacking of Churches, and the murder of hundreds of bishops, priests and religious to prove the point. The age of kings is over and the concept of royal government would be incompatible with the modern would of today; but it doesn’t make the shedding of innocent blood and the loss of thousands of lives acceptable.