If 23 priests from the Archdiocese of Chicago and 35 priests from the Diocese of Rochester, NY had the nerve to pen a letter to Pope John Paul II admonishing him for ‘insensitive’ language used in the The Doctrine of the Faith Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions between Homosexual Persons, then how much more rebellion should we expect to witness from US Priests if and when the doctrine barring homosexuals from the priesthood is made public?
This should be a real concern to all Catholics.
Could this mean desertion of many men from the priesthood here in the US?
Are we prepared to face having only a few priests per diocese throughout the country?
This should be a real concern to all Catholics.
Could this mean desertion of many men from the priesthood here in the US?
Are we prepared to face having only a few priests per diocese throughout the country?