Washington governer race: King county has 3,500 more votes than registered voters!

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The number of King County ballots counted in the final tally was 899,199 — 3,539 more than the number of participating voters reported in the county’s list.

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com
Shoot! You mean someone refused to let the other DEAD Dem’s vote again. The very idea!!! I am outraged!!! Only 3500 dead Democrats can still vote there. 😃 :eek:
Hmmm, interesting. This whole thing smells fishy. I hope this is truly investigated by the election office. I’m up for re-voting. Come on, a whole country did it!

What cracks me up is how Christine Gregoire now keeps saying Dino Rossi should just concede, and yet, she didn’t conceded after the first count OR the second count, so now why should he??? Too bad Gregoire doesn’t seem to be humble in any of this; it makes it really hard for me to give her the benefit of the doubt.

And, yay for bloggers!
This is going to be a fun one to follow. If it plays out the way the Rather incident did, look for Democrats to start trying to make blogging illegal.

And Democrats got the gall to accuse President Bush of election fraud.

– Mark L. Chance.
So many of us were praying that we would have a prolife Gov. This whole election should be turned inside out and investigated. I hope the Wash. state Republicans can play hardball.
Update from:

Total Meltdown in King County Voter List
It was last reported that there were 3,539 more ballots counted in King County than voters who cast them. The discrepancy is actually much larger.

The 3,539 is only the net. This comes from having roughly 1,500 more voters than counted ballots in some precincts, and about 5,000 more ballots than known voters in other precincts.

[This picks up where I left off in the post below about Precinct 3301. I can find only 41 precinct changes among counted voters in the Dec. 29 file since the Nov. 1 file and these *appear to be provisional voters who corrected their precincts at the polls. Conclusion: in certain precincts there are about 1,500 more known voters who cast ballots that were accepted than there are ballots that were counted in the manual recount].

Bob Williams of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation brought to my attention several sections of the WAC that govern the canvassing boards. As I read the WACs, the King County canvassing board should not have certified its election without getting the count of voters to reconcile with the count of ballots, and that is something that they obviously have not done.

Among these: WAC 434-262-040 Verification of auditor’s abstract of votes. The county canvassing board shall examine the auditor’s abstract of votes and shall verify that all of the individual precinct and absentee ballot totals have been included in the abstract and that the subtotals and county-wide totals for registered voters and votes cast are an accurate reflection of the sum of those individual precinct and absentee ballot totals.[See the other sections in chapter 434-262 for related rules].

I suspect that the canvassing board simply checked the total number of registered voters on the rolls and not the number of voters who cast ballots. But that would be terribly lame if that’s all they think they’re required to do.

In any case, I would be very surprised if King County will be able to account for both 1,500 ballotless voters and 5,000 voterless ballots. The few explanations that have been offered, confidential voters and military voters, only account for about 100 and at most 200 voterless ballots respectively.
This entire election should be an embarrassment to the state. Another situation brewing is a huge number of King county ballots that ALL have the same address. Apparently homeless folks were signed up in droves and all were told to give the address of some government building. Now I have no problem with properly registered people properly filling out a ballot. But given it’s hard to determine whether homeless people are eligible, whether they are already registered, whether folks came in from outside, said they were ‘homeless’ and got a ballot, etc. If it were not so close, maybe you could leave fixing this little problem to the next election but conceivably the homeless voters, the dead voters, the duplicate voters, the voterless ballots, ALL contributed to the Gregoire “win.” Further there is still contention over the service ballots. There are large military bases in Washington and apparently some of the overseas ballots were not received in time and were tossed out.

I agree with Sola. How ridiculous that Gregoire is demanding Rossi concede after she managed to manipulate just enough votes to squeak by. It’s so hard to see this happening NOW, before our very eyes. I just didn’t believe there was so much corruption here.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Apparently homeless folks were signed up in droves and all were told to give the address of some government building. Now I have no problem with properly registered people properly filling out a ballot. But given it’s hard to determine whether homeless people are eligible, whether they are already registered, whether folks came in from outside, said they were ‘homeless’ and got a ballot, etc.
Lisa N
This was Jesse Jackson’s complaint about the last few federal elections. He claims that minority voters were disenfranchised due to not having an address. I have a big problem with anyone registering homeless to vote. They should find the homeless a home, and then let the rest follow. Many of the homeless are mentally ill that should be in institutions and not worried about voting until they have a place to live. How ridiculous.
This was Jesse Jackson’s complaint about the last few federal elections. He claims that minority voters were disenfranchised due to not having an address. I have a big problem with anyone registering homeless to vote. They should find the homeless a home, and then let the rest follow. Many of the homeless are mentally ill that should be in institutions and not worried about voting until they have a place to live. How ridiculous.
I think is someone is temporarily homeless, has had some kind of address in the recent past and has SOME kind of address to use besides a grate on XYZ street, it’s one thing. But the chronically homeless who as you’ve mentioned are often either mentally ill or addicts are a different story. Of course this group will vote for the party that give them more bennies…IOW Gregoire bought the election.

In our state I know there are ineligible people voting. My sister is a nurse who monitors care in group homes for people who are either in a vegetative state, comatose or so impaired by an accident that they are unable to function without 24hr care. She said ALL of these people got ballots and she figures the house manager filled them out as she wanted.

When John Fund first wrote his book about voter fraud I sort of pooh poohed it as an anomaly rather than a common occurrance. Not anymore. Sheesh! This makes the Ukraine election look as wholesome as an Eagle scout rally

Lisa N
This reminds me of a Chris Farley movie. I think Black Sheep?
Nothing the Democrats do anymore shocks me…I would put nothing past them…
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