I’m still crying. Share it, please.
Even in the worst case scenario, life will not cease to exist. Extinction of a large number of species? Yes. Extinction of humans? No. And even then, humans will try to protect them. There are people trying to preserve the Great Barrier Reef in the event of the worst case scenario by saving some of the gametes released by the corals.So no one can raise any issue, even one threatening life on earth itself, without adopting US pro-life positions?
Umm, the OP’s video referenced US pro-life street demonstrations.Excuse me, but human life is not a “US position”
By definition, in the worst-case scenario, it will. It is in the nature of worst case scenarios that they describe the worst thing that could happen.Even in the worst case scenario, life will not cease to exist.
If someone doesn’t “get” the fact that an unborn child is a child, then it’s difficult for me to accept much of anything else that they say.So no one can raise any issue, even one threatening life on earth itself, without adopting US pro-life positions?
I had the impression that frame was posted in the video to try to help Ms. Thunberg recognize that she has a lot of psychological issues which make it likely that she is being used by adults. Ms. Thunberg needs to help herself first, then help the world.I’m also marveling at how children - being used by adults - are accusing Thunberg of being used by adults . . .
So it’s OK to be “used by adults” so long as a swath of credential-free, armchair Internet pundits diagnose you as psychologically stable?We do not know the teens in this video, but hopefully, they do not have unresolved mental and psychological conditions.
Has Thunberg argued for abortion as a means of population control?when you subvert the basic right to life that the human person has in order to account for overpopulation (which is a bogus idea) or some other concern regarding the environment, I take issue with one’s policy.
Actually, I have always been against child activists, ever since people were saying out of the mouths of babes about Amy Carter.I also never hear it used on Malala Yousafsi or other teen activists. I guess they’re inspiring teens “making a difference” if we agree with them . . . and psychologically handicapped and “used by adults” if we don’t
Generalizations - including uncharitable ones like this portraying climate activists as shallow and materialistic - never make strong arguments because there are always exceptions . . . glaring ones in this case. While I do grow weary of hypocrites decrying climate change while living wastefully, there’s a HUGE movement to counter that, both online and offline, toward simple living - renewable resources and energy, local food, waste-free living, small and simple houses, (even tiny houses), and homesteading in any setting. I could fill a roll of toilet paper with links.I find all too often in climate activists who do not seem to realize that if we destroy the world’s economies, they might have to do without… their phones, their card, their clothes…
I agree with older adults not infantilizing younger adultsadults to stop infantilizing them
Which is why I said all too often.Generalizations - including uncharitable ones like this portraying climate activists as shallow and materialistic - never make strong arguments because there are always exceptions . . .
It’s not speculation. Several articles from reliable sources in her home country discussed Ms. Thunberg’s struggles with various mental illnesses.How about addressing the actual merits of her argument instead of speculation about her character or mental health?