So apparently it is not an issue that trumps all others in the voting booth.
Umm…yes, it is. What exactly does the Church have to say to get people like you to realize that we cannot compromise on the issue of abortion?!
The statement clearly says, “The threat of abortion remains our
preeminent priority because it directly attacks life itself…”
Preeminent means that it has first place, trumps everything else, gets primary consideration.
The environmental crisis and poverty do not matter to those who are murdered before they even have a chance to be born and join in the effort to improve the environment and help the poor and disenfranchised.
IMO, anyone who is willing to kill an unborn child is lying when they say they care about the environment and the poor. Oh, really? Yeah, let’s kill 'em!–that’ll reduce the population of the poor (the Ebenezer Scrooge Method!)! Good plan! Or let’s kill their kids–that will demonstrate how much we “value” the poor (cough cough).
LeafByNiggle, you might scoff, but many evil people throughout history have used this “logic” to justify killing people that they considered “worthless” because their deaths would make it possible for others to live better lives. Don’t fall for it.
Just because someone is charming and well-spoken and has lived a socially-acceptable life does not mean that they are “good.”
I would be very wary of accepting help from a murderer, or someone with a murderer’s mindset! I just finished reading a book about Nazi women, one of which invited a group of little Jewish boys who had managed to escape transport (to the concentration camps) into her home, fed them a great meal, and then took them out to the back yard and shot them in the back of the head.