Remember. The guys nationally complaining about
the absolute need for masks,
social distancing,
quarantining healthy people etc.,
do not really believe themselves what they are saying.
They are using this kind of thing to attempt to manipulate you into voting leftist.
the absolute need for masks,
social distancing,
quarantining healthy people etc.,
do not really believe themselves what they are saying.
They are using this kind of thing to attempt to manipulate you into voting leftist.
Watch: Massive Lack of Social Distancing During Leftist March on Washington
Matt Perdie
28 Aug 2020
Friday’s March on Washington drew thousands of people who were not social distancing during the occasion, despite the organizers promising that the event would comply with coronavirus-related health guidance and restrictions in D.C. . . .
. . . While left-wing groups have been overtly critical of President Donald Trump for holding in-person events — from the Mount Rushmore Independence Day celebration to Thursday night’s Republican National Convention speech — footage from Friday’s event shows virtually no demonstrative attempts to socially distance, despite organizers promising to heed to health guidance and local coronavirus-related restrictions.
In a piece previewing the protest, CNN reported that event organizers “have stressed that the march will comply with health guidance and local ordinances related to the coronavirus pandemic.”
“We can have a protest, share our voice in this moment, and still be safe,” Tylik McMillan, the national director of youth and college for NAN, told CNN, explaining that volunteers will be “highly enforcing” social distancing. . . .
. . . The event follows the final night of the Republican National Convention, where Trump delivered his acceptance speech from the White House. The set up drew ire from critics, as seats were not spread apart. Prominent members of the media expressed shock over the lack of masks in the audience, despite some of their own forgoing face coverings as well . . .
. . . Protesters also gathered outside the White House Thursday evening and did not appear to heed to social distancing protocols, particularly as they closely harassed prominent figures, such as Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones (D).
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