Observe that video in the second post. Although, this is presented as a teenager, 16 years of age or so, correcting his teacher it clearly was not made by a teenager. The script runs perfectly. No teenager is going to produce that kind of quality. Someone with trained professional experience polished that dialogue to run so smooth. A highly trained, well paid, college educated and trained professional.
I showed it to someone in the industry and she told me that just making that quality of video costs about $20,000 a minute. She said Disney movie quality is about $1 Million per minute. At 5 minutes that was over $100,000 dollars.
This was definitely a professional hit job on Christopher Columbus.
Think of the atheist who made an add asking for money at the Democratic debate.
Notice also that religion was not even mentioned.
Or, that Columbus wanted gold that he donated so that rescue efforts could be made in a crusade to free the Christians in the Holy Land. Or that every night this valiant Captain led his men in prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to the glory and honor of her Son, our Lord, Jesus
La Santa Maria (the Holy Mary ), the flagship, had an even longer name, La Santa María de la Inmaculada Concepción (The Holy Mary of the Immaculate Conception).
It used to be that Satan openly attacked and made fun of religion.
Now, with the younger generation, all mention of religion is completely avoided.
Scary in a way,
Yes, God does win in the end, and all who persevere to the end will be saved.
But, for some it is difficult to even begin the journey.
" On the return of the first voyage, difficulties multiplied. The hardships endured were much more severe than those of the westward sailing and tested the mettle of all crew members. Food was scarce and supplies rapidly diminished. More than one hurricane struck and battered the caravels mercilessly. The Santa María had already sunk on December 25, 1492, after having run aground.
The end seemed imminent on February 14, 1493. Columbus called together the crew, and urged them to implore God’s help.
After praying for a time, each crew member made a solemn vow to make a pilgrimage if the lot should fall to him. Columbus directed that the first act of thanksgiving be a pilgrimage to the famous Marian shrine of Santa María de Guadalupe in southern Spain, …
(Christopher Columbus became a third order Franciscan.)
In the fifteenth century the theological opponents of the mystery of the Immaculate Conception were varied and vocal. But the Franciscans were early and ardent supporters of the doctrine. As early as 1263 the Franciscans celebrated the feast of the Immaculate Conception." Which was defined in AD 1854