What I am trying to say is that things exist in absence of experience and does not exist when they are experienced.
- This is a violation of the principle of contradiction. A thing cannot be and not be at the same time in the same way.
Let consider a system at a given state S. This state can cause another state yet both states cannot coexist hence S must be annihilated before S’ which is problematic unless the awareness of state of S exist in consciousness.
In simple word, past has to die because it has to be replace with future. We only experience what was there and it is not there at the moment, namely “now”.
Lets me know if we could agree on this, because the rest is based on this.
- Correct
- True
It does follow. Things does not exist there when they appear as awareness in consciousness considering the first argument. God in another hand is pure existence hence it cannot be experienced.
- Cannot be deduced from 1, 2, or 3 either singlely or in some combitnation.
What do you mean?
- True but this to do with the previous false deductions.
Lets see if we could agree on (1) and (4) since you agree with (2), (3) and (5).
- False for all the above reasons.