We Have to Remember That the Catholic Magisterium is Binding on all Catholics

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The Pope fully endorsed Same Sex Civil Unions
No he didn’t and would never do. Those fake news are made to destroy the Church… Never listen to those people. I feel sad about them.
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But in every case these are penalties for “acts” not for being homosexual.
There is also torture involved in some cases before confessions of acts.

That is the reality. A law is in place that has criminalized homosexuals. Its an easy conviction. Those who do not believe this only need do a quick internet search. Who can forget those poor kids the Taliban and a few more regimes keep throwing off roofs for being homosexual.
How is an act is proven behind closed doors. It cant be, yet the homosexual conviction stands.
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I don’t think the point is that only childbearing marriages deserve protection…
I’m going to keep that in mind as I read this post.
rather, because marriage is the route to children & the growth of a country’s population, it behooves the country to entice its citizens to marry.
Just because marriage is the route to children (or at least the best route to children being in stable homes) does not mean that it is the only benefit of marriage. There is no reason to focus solely on children when it comes to marriage.
A few marriages will not produce children but that is not the norm.
While there are still plenty of married couples who have children, that percentage is decreasing. And before we get into some underpopulation panic, even with this increase in childless couples the population is increasing greatly.

More importantly, when do we give rights to people only if they do what the majority does? Christians are not the norm in Egypt. Should they not be legally protected specifically because they are not the norm. One’s rights do not derive from where they fall on an opinion poll.
The many which do need protections and assistance afforded by legal blessings.
You’ve contradicted yourself. In your first sentence you said that the point isn’t that only marriages that produce children, then here you say that marriages the produce children are the ones that do need legal protections. It’s far simpler and far more reasonable to protect all marriages as opposed to only the ones that a certain group approve of. It’s not a zero-sum game.
Children are the treasures of a country because they allow it to live for another generation.
Can you demonstrate that allowing gay marriage in any way would prevent people from having children? How does protecting one type of marriage affect a different type of marriage?
Right to inheritance, health insurance, medical decisions, testifying in court and many more. My personal feeling is that any two people, even a brother and sister, should be able to legally have the legal rights that married people do. If it’s two best friends that are in their 80’s and have no family to care for them…whatever the situation…they should be able to get all the legal benefits
Those said above refer to mainly finance & health matters of the two same sex people. But finance & health matters can be solved using a will

It is very obvious that platonic same sex best friends need no civil union law.

Same sex union law is permission to sin.

Civil union law is given to hetero couples, mainly for protection of the children.
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Right to inheritance, health insurance, medical decisions, testifying in court and many more. My personal feeling is that any two people, even a brother and sister, should be able to legally have the legal rights that married people do. If it’s two best friends that are in their 80’s and have no family to care for them…whatever the situation…they should be able to get all the legal benefits
Those said above refer to mainly finance & health matters of the two same sex people. But finance & health matters can be solved using a will

It is very obvious that platonic same sex best friends need no civil union law.

Same sex union law is permission to sin.

Civil union law is given to hetero couples, mainly for protection of the children.
You can put in a will that your same-sex partner is to be accorded the same rights as an opposite-sex partner not to testify against you in court - but only AFTER you are dead, which is when a will actually comes into effect? And when you cannot be subject to court proceedings anyway?

And you can put it in your will that they get the power to make decisions about your health care - which power again only comes into effect after you are dead when it is useless?

True, there is paperwork of different sorts that can be done during life (usually very convoluted and easily open to challenge - I am a lawyer, I know this only too well). When spouses and opposite-sex partners get many of these rights automatically without having to do much if any paperwork other than sign the marriage licence. Certainly without a will, power of attorney or the like.

Why should we not have a process - and yes, extend it by all means to non-sexual couples, family members or whoever needs it - where all those same rights are accorded in law as simply and easily as they are to a spouse or de facto?
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Why should we not have a process - and yes, extend it by all means to non-sexual couples, family members or whoever needs it - where all those same rights are accorded in law as simply and easily as they are to a spouse or de facto?
Because most people aren’t lawyers and don’t understand what you just described. Even if they did, they’d gladly deny someone basic rights if they didn’t think the person deserved those rights due to being gay (or some other group they don’t like).

Which is why we need lawyers, and laws.
And pretty soon gay people and their disgusting sex practices will take over the world, correct? And also there will be no more heterosexual marriages. Somewhat like “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” Let’s blame it all on those pesky progressives. Is this what you believe?
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