Wear mask is the rule of avoid getting coronavirus

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not sure if anyone remember this thread that I posted a few days ago which was deleted by admin (so now this thread will not contain any sort of “locution” or “private revelation”)…. I posted just because I had a feeling of urge to spread the message

Those who believe what I said, remember to WEAR MASK anytime at any places!! wear Medical Surgical mask if possible!! the one with ASTM level 2 or 3 the best! High VFE PFE

Don’t take any risk for your life.

God bless you all !!
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Duly noted.

Also, don’t pick your nose. Touch your mask only once to put it on, don’t wipe your eyes. No public restrooms, wash your hands often for extended periods of time with warm soapy water. Don’t travel. Don’t pay with an actual card, use an app. Have groceries delivered and spray them with a disinfectant.

Also. Jesus died for our sins. Repent and believe in the Gospel.
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It’s what every person should do. Don’t you think? Especially in these times.

Get to Mass if you are able, go to confession etc. in times of a pandemic these are things you won’t find in the CDC website like what you mentioned but they are far more important.
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Get to stop Mass if you are able, go to confession etc. in times of a pandemic these are things you won’t find in the CDC website like what you mentioned but they are far more important.
don’t understand what you said. As catholics, we all should attend Mass and keep Holy Sabbath day. There are still Online Mass for the lockdown and restricted areas too, and we all should attend. Go to confession, repent and pray the Rosary during this pandemic time.
Wearing a mask is to avoid getting giving other people a virus due to your own coughing.
Wear gloves.
Wash your hands
Watch your hands

We infect ourselves by touching eyes, nose or mouth with contaminated hands - mask or no.
Wearing a mask is to avoid getting giving other people a virus due to your own coughing.
it is not correct, you will also breathe in the virus if not wearing mask, virus spreads not only by coughing
Wearing a mask is to avoid getting giving other people a virus due to your own coughing.
it is not correct, you will also breathe in the virus if not wearing mask, virus spreads not only by coughing
Yes, CDC says some protection for yourself.
Masks are a simple barrier to help prevent your respiratory droplets from reaching others. Studies show that masks reduce the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth.

A cloth mask also offers some protection to you too. How well it protects you from breathing in the virus likely depends on the fabrics used and how your mask is made (e.g. the type of fabric, the number of layers of fabric, how well the mask fits). CDC is currently studying these factors.
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MASK 2020:
-mask up
-20 seconds hand washing
-2m social distancing (that’s 6ft+ for the non-metric people)
-0 excuses
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