Wearing a scapular while swimming?

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Have you ever heard that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all? You may be right, but if you wanted to make a point of it , open a new thread. Don’t beat down a mom who lost her child who was struggling with this very issue. Talk about kicking someone when they are down. You may need to attend a sensitivity seminar.
Thank you for the support, but good can be found, even in harsh words. His facts were good, it was simply the delivery that was hurtful. But, i am a big girl, and i offered him the same…to teach in return…if he wanted it. Sensitivity is important, but truth is even more important. So we do not want to go around patting people on the back and delivering half truths. We want exact truth, delivered in the kindness that the Lord would have…then it enters a heart…truly!


He never ever wondered if God were real, he taught the simple truth to anyone who would listen.

Was he without the protection of the scapular because he was not wearing it at the time of his death?
Hi Rammy,
God and our Precious Mother know the intent of your son’s heart. He remained devouted all those years to the faith.
Do you love your son immensley? Well, Mary loves him even more and pleads and intercedes on our behalf. You can bet that She was there to plead for him and you can bet She is with him now.

Fear not, dear Rammy.
Fear not - for God is merciful
Hi Rammy,
God and our Precious Mother know the intent of your son’s heart. He remained devouted all those years to the faith.
Do you love your son immensley? Well, Mary loves him even more and pleads and intercedes on our behalf. You can bet that She was there to plead for him and you can bet She is with him now.

Fear not, dear Rammy.
Fear not - for God is merciful
Thank you very kindly…i never thought to ask for her intercede for the final decision here…thank you, as it gives me a place to focus my fears positively.

Ha, my Rammy name here was so sweetly spoken…i could almost here Mother Mary saying it…sweet…thank you!
I’d love to know this as the truth, and thank you for the heartfelt delivery needed in such scary times in a mothers heart. As i said before, i refused meds because i wanted the truth…even in grief. I still want the truth, but what ever it is, i will adjust to it, as it is Gods plan…and that is my path…to learn what or why something is placed in my path.

thanks …Allana

I am so sorry my reply here comes so delayed. For some reason, my list of threads didn’t show that there had been new posts here, so I hadn’t checked back.

I too know many Discalced Carmelite Monks. I keep a photo of 4 of these friends of mine on my desk. My information regarding the scapular comes from these wonderful and holy people. I can’t speak to what the Monks at Montana say (I tried locating them on the internet, but was unsuccessful).

I know that the brown scapular is not a good luck charm and wearing it should never be treated as such. When we wear the scapular, we are making a statement of great love and devotion for our Lady. Besides this outward sign, we also wear this sign burned in our hearts, a sign she sees always in those who love her. I would not fear for you son. Your mother and his is looking after him with the care of the greatest mother of all time.

God bless you and your son. I am sorry for your loss.


Thank you once again…as the thoughts of well wishers makes me feel like i have been huged by god himself.

I know that the statements i told of his last comments may have seemed like they were a good luck charm, but they were not to him. It is funny how i was able to teach such strength to my son, but not to myself. You see, he was much more disciplined than i will ever be. But i was not the one having to live with the constant wondering if today was going to be my last.

So he lived by the old code of honour, his word was his reputation, and he loved my father so very dearly. He was my fathers clone. They both loved the Lord so deeply. My father was his mentor and guide to learn about the Lord. Scapular use was taught with much love. My fathers adoration for women in general came the day he found out that so many miles away, his mother died alone. He was so very Chivalrous to begin with, but he taught everyone the love and compassion that went with knowing your own mother. This adoration was grown into many various stories about our blessed mother. My father simply called her Mother Mary outside of prayer.

My son knew this love, the love he saw when he flatlined at age 4, and Mother Mary took him by the tiny hand and brought him to see Jesus. He was in an old room, dirt floor, wall length fire pit glowing, and a smiling Jesus that he ran into the arms of. He told of the love pulling him to Jesus. He always told of the need to obey…He was told by Jesus that he was so glad to see him, but that he had so much more to do in his life, and that they would see eachother often, but he had to go back

He never ever doubted in his life “if” God, or the Holy family existed…as he had already personally met them. He trusted Mother Mary and her promises, but the fear of the moment wanted to keep it light, as he so terrified of what the outcome might be, and so tired that he had not researched this as a possibility. He felt unworthy and always wondered if he had done enough. Maybe if i had not gone to that movie, and went to do…such and such…i may have not wasted gods prescious moments.

He lived the saying…Carpe Diem…and he did it well!

Wills Ma
Please know that I was in no way suggesting that Will or you were treating the brown scapular as a good luck charm. Rather it is one who fears of death coming when it is momentarily removed who I believe is treating it as such. The scapular, when worn on ones heart, remains present even at these brief times when it is removed from our bodies.

God Bless you and your dear father who obviously taught your son well.

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