Wedding potluck?

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Hi everyone,
My fiance and I are struggling with our wedding plans! After much discussion, we had decided that we would like to keep the reception simple (for a number of reasons), and simply have a short potluck luncheon. We would ask guests not to bring presents, but instead to bring a dish. Has anyone else had a wedding like this?
I made the mistake of telling my father of our plans too soon after we had started to settle on this idea, and he said it was tacky. He’s not in a very good financial situation to help us, but I could tell he felt it was his ‘fault’ we were choosing such a simple reception as he can’t commit to paying for anything for our wedding yet (he feels it is the father’s responsibility). Please help me! I would appreciate any comments/suggestions on how to do things simply without being tacky.We are both students, and although we would like a reception, we want the focus of the day to be on the sacrament.
I personally see nothing tacky about a wedding potluck. If your Dad feels embarrassed, then let HIM go into debt to save face, not YOU. Probably, folks will be also bring a gift as well as a dish, that’d be my guess.

I think it’s terrible the way folks will spend a small fortune on a wedding, going into debt and also causing themselves a lot of stress over the wedding plans.

It’s not your Dad’s wedding, BTW. You’re starting YOUR life as a married adult, it’s your wedding, and you should do it YOUR way, as long as you’re not being mean to anyone. If your Dad has a problem with his male ego, then that’s pride. Anyways, I’m surprised a guy is even concerned, I thought it was the job of the mother and mother-in-law to get all tied in knots over wedding plans!
I think this sounds like a lovely idea and would probably be lots of fun for everyone in the family. It would be like a big family reunion.

Best wishes to you.
Sounds great. I think the days of the uber-over-the-top-wedding are numbered anyhow… at least I hope so.

I think your idea sounds okay, although I have never beeen to a wedding like that- I would also suspect that people would still bring gifts.

I love your comment on having the day focus on the sacrament. Much too often this is completely forgotten and all the emphasis is on the frills. I recently stood up in a wedding where the focus was on the sacrament- it was clear that Christ was the third party in this marriage. It was absolutely beautful and a true model to all who attended what a wedding is really about. God bless you!
Well I hunted around on the internet. If you are having a SMALL wedding of just family, and potluck things are the norm for your family then it’s not tacky.

However, if it’s bigger than just immediate family, it’s not a good idea. It’s just considered poor taste to have someone buy ALL the ingredients to serve 200 people. Plus, people aren’t “required” to bring gifts, so they shouldn’t be “required” to bring food.

One site offered the advice of having a champagne and cake reception instead. I could only WISH that after all of my friends and siblings weddings that one of them was kind enough to not subject us to the torture of bad music, bad food, obnoxious drunk guys who think their totally going to pick up a bridesmaid etc.
Some years back a friend and I said the rosary at an abortion center each Sunday morning. A young college couple from a non-denominational church did sidewalk counseling there at the same time. They invited us to their wedding. Their church put on what was essentially a pot-luck reception for them with the whole congregation participating. I found it quite impressive. Everyone enjoyed it.
Well, the thing is, the church community put it on for them. That’s fine. But it’s innapropriate according to the books/bridal sites to request things in lieu of gifts, much akin to the mother of the bride throwing a bridal shower.
Hi everyone,
My fiance and I are struggling with our wedding plans! After much discussion, we had decided that we would like to keep the reception simple (for a number of reasons), and simply have a short potluck luncheon. We would ask guests not to bring presents, but instead to bring a dish. Has anyone else had a wedding like this?
I made the mistake of telling my father of our plans too soon after we had started to settle on this idea, and he said it was tacky. He’s not in a very good financial situation to help us, but I could tell he felt it was his ‘fault’ we were choosing such a simple reception as he can’t commit to paying for anything for our wedding yet (he feels it is the father’s responsibility). Please help me! I would appreciate any comments/suggestions on how to do things simply without being tacky.We are both students, and although we would like a reception, we want the focus of the day to be on the sacrament.
BEAUTIFUL … If daddy is compeled to help, ask him to pay for the cake.
Thanks, everyone, for your replies thus far. I’ve lived with my father since I was 13 (my parents are divorced), and I’m daddy’s princess, so despite being an adult, his comment hit me hard. He later apologized, but said he needed some time to think about our plans. I’m the only practicing Catholic in the family, and sometimes he seems taken aback by how I do things different than most. Keep the replies a’coming!
I know a lot of people are supporting this idea, but I honestly do agree with your dad. It’s one thing to ask people to make a donation to the Church or to pass up on any gifts at all. But it’s another to ask them to cook and tote food around. Trying to couch these words as best I can, just realize that there are people whose homes may not have the best reputation for cleanliness and it can turn someone’s stomach to have to look at each dish wondering if Uncle So-and-So’s wife made the chicken or the pasta salad.

If you’re still open to ideas, what about something even more simple than what you’ve considered…like a cocktail reception with some wine and sparkling fruit juice with simple hors doeuvres and snacks like brie/french bread, chicken kebabs and fresh veggies? That way you can make it all yourself ahead of time and get a couple of friends to act as servers and toastmaster.
You are asking for trouble, headaches and major stress if you plan to do the cooking, planning, set up and clean-up yourself. Why not plan according to what dad can afford, so he can give something elegant to his princess. The punch and cake reception in your own home or backyard can be lovely and at least where my family is from, considered far more classy than the drunken jamborees they do on the other side of the family. I would rather invite everyone I want to share the day with us, including kids, for chips and dip and koolaid, than an expensive catered affair for a privileged few. If you want something more formal for immediate family, that can be the rehearsal dinner, where everyone orders on their own at a restaurant, or an at-home when you come back from your honeymoom.
I am going to have to agree with the minority. I think it is tacky. Potlucks are something that you have when you are inviting a large group of people to something that is for everyone…a casaul gathering of friends for the holidays.

There are some things that should just be approached within the confines of good manners. Asking people to bring food to something you are celebrating personally is just not appropriate. There are churches that DO provide food for celebrations, however, that is a church custom and not the recipient’s personal request. It is kind of like “charging admission” to your wedding…bring a dish to donate and come to our celebration. Would you have a birthday party for yourself and ask others to bring the cake?

Having a reception does not need to cost a tremendous amount of money. You do not need to hire caterers. You can prepare the food yourselves or perhaps enlist the help of your closest friends. Or perhaps you could purchase food in bulk from a place like Sam’s. Depending on the time of day of your wedding, you could do something as simple as a buffet with simple sandwich preparations, bean casseroles, salads, etc. You could easily feed a rather large group of people for under $300.

Or perhaps you consider a small intimate wedding with only your closest family and friends.

Sorry, I just don’t agree with others that it is a sweet idea. There are times when casualness is just not appropriate.
You also have to remember, that these people may be coming from out of town, and where are they going to keep the food? Are you going to want to have people running home to get food after the ceremony and holding up the “party” afterwards? IHonestly the day before you’re wedding, you’re running around too much to be waiting for people to stop by and drop stuff off, and to top that off where are you going to keep it. It’s just a logistical issue. Plus, you’ve got to come up with plates, silverware, napkins, seating etc, and that’s gonna cost just as much as a small reception with just cake.
Less tacky then cash bar or BYOB. I’m guessing it will be a small reception, I always loved the party ideas from InStyle magazine. They tell you how to prep the week before with a shopping list and how to prepare food a day or two, and what can be done by friends the morning of. Great recipes for entertaining.
I have to agree with some of the other that Potluck would be Tacky and your dad would probably be very embarassed, after all every father would like to be able to give his little girl away in some sort of style.
I think the suggestion of the Champagne and Cake reception sounds really nice and shouldn’t be that expensive yet a “touch of class.”:twocents: Annunciata:)
One of the secretaries in my building is getting married Labor Day weekend and is having a potluck wedding. I think it’s a great idea!

People in more rural areas do this more often, perhaps. I’ve been invited to more than one. In fact, my “civil” wedding (we were married in France, and had both a civil and a Church wedding, six weeks apart for various bureaucratic reasons) was also a potluck.

If I were you, I’d plan to provide a certain number of “dishes” yourself, and consider other things more or less gravy. It was a lot of work for us when we did it – but on the good side, that kept me from being stressed about the wedding itself…

Don’t plan on having it be big, however – ours was about 25-30 people max, and that was about right for something that was never fully under our control.

Good luck!
i wouldn’t do a potluck, either. the cleanliness factor is big for me, i’m a bit of a germaphobe, and secondly, you just aren’t allowed to ask your entire guest roster to bring ANYTHING–food, presents, etc.

i have had two very good friends get married on extremely tight budgets. it can totally be done! here are some tips:

my first friend, Rachel, had a morning wedding and a breakfast that followed. she had a delivery from a local bakery that included dozens (and dozens) of bagels, a variety of different cream cheeses, pastries and donuts. she ordered several fruit platters from the grocery store, and a friend picked them up for her super-early. she ordered six breakfast casseroles from a local eatery, and another friend picked those up. she had several juice, tea, coffee and hot chocolate selections to choose from. total cost: $250
–she went to a place called “paper warehouse” and bought a bunch of plasticized “party platter” stuff, like a punch bowl and table clothes and goblets and silverware and plates, napkins, etc. very cheap but still with the appearance of class. everyone commented that they had never attended a morning wedding before, but that they thought it was a great idea!

my second friend, Tatum, had a mid-afternoon wedding and reception. she utilized a local grocery store and ordered three “deli party platters” at $30/each. they included meat and cheese selections, as well as rolls and condiments. she also ordered tubs of potato salad and pasta salad (but bought pretty bowls to put them in), bought cut up veggies and pre-arranged fruit platters, all from the grocery store. she chose to serve only beer and wine (along with soft drinks and water), and had a friend be the “bar tender.” it LOOKED catered, but it was all in the presentation. total cost:$500 (due to beer and wine)

*call your local community college or university and ask the music dept if they have any string-instrument students willing to play at a wedding reception for the experience and a small gratuity
*instead of a florist, use either silk flowers or rely on a local flower shop/grocery store to supply you with whatever is in season.
*again, utilize the local community college or university and contact their home ec (or drama/costuming) department. a friend of a friend did this and she basically got her wedding dress at cost–they were willing to take it on as a class project, and she just had to buy the materials. it was a beautiful and simple dress that was long, empire-waisted and strappy.
*consider getting married at Christmas time or just after Easter, when the Church is fully decorated for you!
*ask your Church if they have any “wedding props” available for your use–my parish had one of those arched structures that you can place at the front of the altar–my florist decorated it beautifully with strung roses. if we’d had to buy it, it would have been expensive.
*watch the david’s bridal sales!!! they have seasonal sales where select dresses go down to $99
*get an “autograph frame” (a small picture frame with a huge white space surrounding it for signatures and messages) in lieu of a guestbook–can be bought at target very cheaply, and some guestbooks are expensive
*design your own invitations and/or wedding programs with cheap software or a very creative friend, and have them printed at kinkos (my best friend’s roommate is a graphic designer, and she did a gorgeous job on our wedding programs, taking into account my (name removed by moderator)ut)
*if you can’t afford a professional cake baker, again, use that grocery store! a friend of a friend did it and she got a miniature “wedding cake” and then two sheet cakes that guests were served from–she and her husband froze the mini cake for themselves to keep.

just some ideas off the top of my head that i have seen done at weddings or heard about 🙂
I would have to vote no on the potluck wedding. I think that bringing food to a wedding is above and beyond what you can expect your guests to do for your wedding. I agree with many of the suggestions above. Have you called any resturants to see what they charge for catering? I’ve been suprised how little many of the smaller places charge. Some of my friends have spent very little by having their weddings catered by small resturants. This is your wedding day, the only one, splurge a little! I’m sure you’ll get enough in cash gifts to pay it off after the wedding.
I went to a wedding like that, but the couple printed the store where they were registered on the invitations.

For an informal, not-elaborate wedding, I wouldn’t have a problem with a potluck reception, particularly if you judge your crowd would rather bring a casserole than have a cake-and-coffee reception that is short and offers less time for visiting. But only if you can’t swing a simple, simple reception on your own dime and only if you have very few out-of-town guests. I think it would be preferable to have ten or fifteen of your very close friends help you cater something yourself, though… and more fun, too. Or perhaps you might ask the people who do funeral luncheons for your parish what it would take to do something similar for you.
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