I’d like guidance on dealing with a weight problem in my family. ou.
I can tell you what will not work, and what will make the situation worse: constantly harping on their weight, nagging them to diet, making a snide comment everytime they pick up a snack, sarcasm, unflattering comments on their appearance (especially by your son), and a steady stream of criticism. The worst possible response on your part would be indicating to your wife that you find her less attractive and less sexy because she is overweight.
What I do recommend is a trip to the family doctor-for yourself. Ask for a diet the whole family can follow. Come home and announce that the doctor has made you concerned about your own diet, and you want to make some changes for the family, and call a family meeting about it, remembering who does most of the shopping and cooking.
come up with some ground rules together–no junk food, no soft drinks, more veggies etc. --that everybody can live with. If you have to give up something you like, maybe beer, so much the better. You might want a little word with your son beforehand (so he doesn’t make a comment like “Why do I have to give up cookies, they’re the fat ones?”)
then you take up some exercise program, and make it clear that it is a sacrifice for you but you are doing it for your health, and concern that they won’t have to take care of you after your hypotheticl heart attack or stroke. then find something the whole family can do together at least once or twice a week-bikes, hiking, nature walks, swimming, backyard volleyball etc.
what you are after is something that involves the whole family, and addresses problems that affect the whole family, and that look at the underlying issue, which has roots in family dynamics. If the girls are not eating healthy at home, then nobody else is either, no matter what their appearance.
tip: if you eat out a lot, end that habit now because that is the diet killer and source of worst food we eat. Come up with a pre-planned strategy for times you are stuck with fast food alternatives. Know what you can eat in every restaurant and never look at menus.