If you can make it in your family you can make it anywhere in the world. In a way at least in the world you have a greater chance of going into a group that thinks like you. In the family its completely random.
People usually don’t start fights, unless it has already started in their own heart. Maybe at times you might feel happy, then you want to be with other happy people. If you feel upset at a situation, perhaps you’ll want others to be upset too. So if another starts a fight, try to let go of your anger as soon as you can, and try to start loving them as soon as you can. If that only means pray and forgive them do that.
Maybe even if they do that infront of your children, maybe try to use that as a teaching situation. Maybe it’ll teach them, that their own outbursts doesn’t seem like the right choice. It probably won’t be the only fight they see.
It is good to let go of the pride that comes with anger, and embrace humility. If some don’t believe you, remember your Lord sees all. Where you are wronge, your Lord will be in joy, if you let go your proudness and confess. After that embrace Jesus’s commandment, love your neighbor as you do yourself. Perhaps it’s better if you don’t see each other, so just forgive and pray. If you can see them, forgive and pray, and then just try to help them out. It is better to be hurt again than to harden your heart. Oh and if it helps you to tell the story to another, do that too. Make sure your honest where you didn’t handle things properly.
For me, I’ve gotten in a fight with my brother, and I’m sure we both thought we were right. We didn’t talk for a couple years. When I thought about it, it always made me mad. It was not good, nor was I the person I wanted to be. A harden heart might protect you, but it isn’t going to make you a person who you like. But now, even though we don’t talk to often, being that we don’t have much in common, when we do see each other there is love there. Our differances pale in comparisin to the need to care for each other. Not to say that I’m always perfect when it comes to that.