The theory behind the People being armed is that the Poeple are soverign, the government. Government, when it gets down to the nitty-gritty is naked force.
The colonists of the 13 colonies used armed force to convince the British king (soverign) that his government was no longer their government. The new country then wrote and approved a constitution that would control how they were governed in the future. The second amendment of the bill of rights was their way of insuring the burocracy of the new government could not take power from the (sovereign) people willy-nilly.
People who are disarmed are subjects, not citizens. Every dictator in recent times (last 150 years) has started by disarming the people.
Back at the time of the American revolution (50 years either direction) there were 2 types of malitia. The organized malitia which has since morphed into the National Guard (controled by the state governor; and the unorganized malitia which, at that time, was every abled body male 16-60 years of age.
Unorganized malitia was called up by local leaders up to the state governor and most states had laws limiting how long they had to serve but it was usually a short period (days to a couple weeks). Their equipment and training ranged from limited to non-existant. Even the organized malitia was of marginal use in times of was. Read about malitial performance in the war of 1812.
Having said that, both organized and unorganized militia had a very rapid response time. Remember the minute men.
I hate the current culture where if someone wants to get attention, they grab a firearm and make newsies sit up and notice. I do not know how to stop it but I know that restricting my ability to be armed is not the way.