We're on a Mission From God" or

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I’d like to request suggestions from anyone who may have read “We’re On a Mission From God” by Mary Beth Bonnaci, and Christopher West’s books such as “Good News About Sex and Marriage” I believe it is called. West also has a new book “The Love That Satisfies”.

My 23 year old daughter who came into the Chruch largely to satisfy me I regret to say, more then any inner drive to become Catholic of her own choosing. However, she is expressing an interest, now, (maybe my prayer is being answered) to learn more about the faith. I asked her in what particular area she was most interested. We discussed the depth of the Faith and she is aware there is much material and an infinatel amount to learn. However, probably because she has a serious relationship with a boyfriend now, she expressed an interest in material that might combine the Faith with “relationships” (as she termed it).

I see this as a wonderful opportunity for her to grow in her understanding of our Catholic Faith and all it’s beauty. I don’t want to make a mistake and recommend a wrong book. She is not ready for anything too scholarly. Her understanding is at a veryy fundemental level. However, she is aware of my great admiration for John Paul II and I have expressed how His works express the Full Truth of our Faith. She seems a but intrigued.
She actually said she’d read whatever I recommended with her boyfriend.

Where should I begin if I am to recommend one book at this time?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’d like to request suggestions from anyone who may have read “We’re On a Mission From God” by Mary Beth Bonnaci, and Christopher West’s books such as “Good News About Sex and Marriage” I believe it is called. West also has a new book “The Love That Satisfies”.

My 23 year old daughter who came into the Chruch largely to satisfy me I regret to say, more then any inner drive to become Catholic of her own choosing. However, she is expressing an interest, now, (maybe my prayer is being answered) to learn more about the faith. I asked her in what particular area she was most interested. We discussed the depth of the Faith and she is aware there is much material and an infinatel amount to learn. However, probably because she has a serious relationship with a boyfriend now, she expressed an interest in material that might combine the Faith with “relationships” (as she termed it).

I see this as a wonderful opportunity for her to grow in her understanding of our Catholic Faith and all it’s beauty. I don’t want to make a mistake and recommend a wrong book. She is not ready for anything too scholarly. Her understanding is at a veryy fundemental level. However, she is aware of my great admiration for John Paul II and I have expressed how His works express the Full Truth of our Faith. She seems a but intrigued.
She actually said she’d read whatever I recommended with her boyfriend.

Where should I begin if I am to recommend one book at this time?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would recommend Mary Beth Bonacci’s book “Real Love” (although “We’re On a Mission From God” is also very good). It depends what you’re going for. “Real Love” is a great, readable book on love and sexuality in a Q&A format. I read both books when I was about your daughter’s age and I did not find them too heavy, but neither did they seem like they were “beneath me” (as in, only for younger kids). “We’re On a Mission From God” is great, too, but it takes on more than just relationship type stuff (although it does address that in part of the book). Overall, I liked “Real Love” better.

I haven’t read “The Good News About Sex & Marriage” myself, so hopefully someone else can address that book more specifically. I am constantly hearing great things about it. I’m not sure where it is at in terms of reading level. I’d imagine it would be slightly above Bonacci’s books in that regard (mainly because I think he has an older target audience), though it certainly should be at a level where a 23 year old can easily understand it. From the talks of Christopher West I have heard, he does a good job of breaking down JPII’s “Theology of the Body” in easy to understand language. I’d imagine his books are the same.

So, I think either book would be great. It’s wonderful that your daughter is so open to reading a book you would recommend and doing so with her boyfriend! Many parents don’t get that opportunity!

If you’re ever looking for a book that is not about relationships, I would recommend Peter Kreeft’s “Yes or No?: Straight Answers to Tough Questions about Christianity”. This is the book that first forced me to get off the fence and decide whether or not Christianity is something that should be taken seriously or rejected. Kreeft is a philosopher and in this book he shows how eminently reasonable Christianity is. And if Christianity is true, it requires action. It woke me up from my spiritual lethargy and sparked the fire to urge me to take my faith seriosuly and learn as much about it as I could. Sorry, I never pass up an opportunity to recommend this book! 🙂
Thanks, Joe, for the reply. I feel under pressure in that if I suggest something that doesn’t “click” with her she’ll lose interest in further pursuit.
Thanks, Joe, for the reply. I feel under pressure in that if I suggest something that doesn’t “click” with her she’ll lose interest in further pursuit.
Your welcome. 😉 I understand your feelings. Make sure to say a prayer over the book before you give it to her! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, though. It’s up to God to do the heavy lifting. 🙂 Good luck and God bless!
both of these would be on my top 5 list for someone such as your daughter
anything by Christopher West #1 for anyone who is dating, courting or engaged
Theology of the Body for Beginners, or Good News about Sex and Marriage are the easiest reads on a difficult, deep subject.

We’re On a Mission from God is the first book I recommend to young adults who are looking for answers to today’s problems in Catholic teaching, and how this relates to their own lives.

the third would be a good basic prayer book
Primer on Prayer
How to Pray
by Peter Kreeft, or Romano Guardini (Art of Praying)
Appointment with God, by Michael Scanlan TOR

the next would be IMO the essential guide to Catholic spirituality:
Time Management for Catholics by Dave Durand

and the last, the basic sourcebook on all things Catholic:
Catholicism for Dummies by fr. Trigilio and pals

yes, I would give these before the CCC, and give the CCC later, after pillar of fire pillar of truth, when they are ready to go deeper.
i would give the compendium first, when they are the stage of wanting simple answers to basic questions.

this assumes they already have a good Catholic bible.
Christopher West’s Theology of the Body for Beginners is probably one of the easiest books to get people started. It reviews everything people have talked about here already, but also presents sound Catholic doctrine. It is also a fairly quick read. Get it here.

I just received a copy of the The Love that Satisifes as a gift from a “special friend” (autographed by the author!) but have not yet read it. I hope to finish it this weekend so I’ll let you know.

By the way, the status of my “special friend” may change when I get my receive a the response to the second instance of my nullity petition, which I expect in 4 to 6 weeks. 😉 😃
My 23 year old daughter who came into the Chruch largely to satisfy me I regret to say, more then any inner drive to become Catholic of her own choosing. However, she is expressing an interest, now, (maybe my prayer is being answered) to learn more about the faith. I asked her in what particular area she was most interested. I don’t want to make a mistake and recommend a wrong book. She is not ready for anything too scholarly.
She actually said she’d read whatever I recommended with her boyfriend.

Where should I begin if I am to recommend one book at this time?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’d agree with the above posters who suggested easy reading by Christopher West. For me, my introduction to Catholic books was through books about adult Catholic converts. Surprised by Truth, compiled by Patrick Madrid is one, and My Life on the Rock by Jeff Cavins is another good one. Surprised by Truth is an easy read with 11 different stories of Catholic converts written by each of them. But really, those are more apologetic in nature, and if she isn’t inclined that way, she might not read them.

How could she not pick up a book called, Good News about Sex…? :cool:

*“It’s only a question of time until your views on marriage are going to affect your ecclesiology.” * ~ Gerry Matatics, in Surprised by Truth
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