Your right, I was being sarcastic. Its not nice. I do need a meaningful explanation and what’s more the entirety of scripture is based upon meaningful explanation. Our faith is supplemented with reason, our desire for truth with revelation. The only thing I must axiomatically take completely on faith alone is the revelations Jesus Christ himself declared and even this was supplemented with evidence. Jesus didn’t just appear and say I am Gods son and I can conquer death. He gave evidence. He died. He rose, he performed miracles. He did not however give revelatory statements, and neither did his original apostles, about Maries assumption, the meaningless phrase of Mother of God as apposed to Jesus, or her perpetual virginity. These were all revelatory works of the magisterium, made dogmatic long after Christ ascended even though it is said that ALL revelation ended with Jesus. Of course there is always a loop hole which the Roman Church can exploit.Actually, the tone of your post does not show that you think it is “nice” at all! In fact, you seem to be blinded by your own need for a “meaningful explanation”. It may be that one does not exist. For those who are hostile to Mary having this role, there will never be an explanation that satisfies.
I think not otherwise. All grace does come from God. Sometimes directly, via miracles or what not, sometimes indirectly via expedient means but to declare that Gods band has but one instrument with which to play is making unfounded claims and restraining God, as if that were possible.All grace comes from God. If you think otherwise, then you have not understood.
God allows us to participate as avenues of grace, but we are not the source of it.
I would say more apparent to us but his presence with us is internal and personal. While we may receive grace through the instruments of his choosing the Grace of Gods presence is given to us individually and directly. It is his sustaining essence with each of us and depends upon no extraneous methods. By reducing all Gods graces to the mediation of a single person, the Mediatrix of all Grace removes God from directly interacting with our souls unless you believe that Mary is the conduit whereby Gods grace somehow sustains our being? Mary then becomes grace itself, a part of Gods nature.It is curious that you would perceive receiving God’s grace through another person as “pushing God even further from us”. On the contrary, He works through people to be more present to us! Do you look at the healings in the NT this way? Do you think the healings in the NT created “barriers” to God?
I pray all the time for Gods help and guidance. As far as unresolved mother issues go I don’t believe I have any, as far as I can tell, and what would it matter should some Freudian psychoanalytic theory determine that to be my impetus, truth is truth, however you get there.Sometimes people that experience Mary as a “barrier” have unresolved mother issues.