What about the dad?

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Just curious about how all the debates about abortion talk about holding the woman responsible or the doctor responsible but never never hold the dad responsible. That guy gets off scott free
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Why shouldnt he? He has no legal recourse if he wants to keep his child and mom wants to kill the baby.in those cases, baby dies and dad has no say.

I am not even sure what specifically you are asking anyway. Dad is always responsible for child support. Are you looking to place blame on dad for something? What is your point.

Deadbeat, derelict fathers are blamed a lot for various ills, and rightly so; they are a major blight on America.
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Just curious about how all the debates about abortion talk about holding the woman responsible or the doctor responsible but never never hold the dad responsible. That guy gets off scott free
He shouldn’t get off scott free. He should be financially responsible every step of the way. For both, “reproductive rights “ apply right up until the act is performed that results in conception. Then there are three lives involved. Rights become responsibilities.
I am not even sure what specifically you are asking anyway. Dad is always responsible for child support. Are you looking to place blame on dad for something? What is your point.
I’m pretty sure that in many cases the “dad” pressures his pregnant paramour to have an abortion specifically to avoid being on the hook financially. And I’m pretty sure that some times, that “pressure” isn’t pretty.

So the question is a valid one: what about the “dad”?
It’s sick. Dad’s are allowed to manipulate a woman into having an abortion or force her to have an abortion, BUT Dad’s are Not allowed to stop an abortion of his child and not only that, but he’s not even given the right of even knowing about an abortion of his child, before or after the abortion.
Yes, a severe penalty should be in store for men who manipulate women into doing such a horrible thing.
Fathers who do this are as horrific as the women who seek them out voluntarily. And I have yet to hear anyone applauding these low-lifes any more than they applaud the women.

But since the men have no legal say in the matter, I ask again, what is the question exactly? if you are looking for folks to decry these men, I am with you. It is a horrible thing to do, and they are scumbags for doing it.

But ultimately, and practically speaking, the woman is the one maling the final call. It may not seem fair, just as it isn’t fair that a father cannot prevent a woman from having an abortion. But the law isn’t always fair, especially when trying to legally untangle something as unGodly, evil, and antithetical to God’s plan for creation as the abortion of a human being. So I am not sure what the OP is looking for.
Not sure how legally that would work, since she is doing something we have deemed legal and legitimate. Now if abortion was illegal, I would agree with you, and personally, i believe there should be repercussions for these men, but legally, i cant see anyone pushing that issue; certainly not politicians on the left.

They all clapped but what changed?
The Gospel of Life John Paul II Encyclical Letter --59. As well as the mother, there is often other people too who decide upon the death of the child in the womb. In the first place, the father of the child may be to blame, not only when he directly pressures the woman to have an abortion, but also when he indirectly encourages such a decision on her part by leaving her alone to face the problems of pregnancy. in this way the family is thus mortally wounded and profaned in its nature as a community of love and in its vocation to be the ‘sanctuary of life.’ Nor can one overlook the pressures which sometimes come from the wider family circle and from friends…
It is not just the woman – legislators promote abortion, healthcare centers promote abortion, it is not just the woman at this point in the history of our nation. We live in a culture of death – and the violence we see happening every day is the result of a nation that supports killing the child within the womb.

Mother Teresa speaks to the reality of the man – she tells it like it is.
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I thought it was assumed, but yes abortion would have to be illegal first.
But ultimately, and practically speaking, the woman is the one maling the final call.
Looking at it from the notion that it is a grave sin against the 5th commandment, there are two other elements needed for mortal culpability: full knowledge, and full freedom of the will. Depending on the amount and type of pressure exerted (violence, or credible threat of violence), there may not be full freedom of the will, and thus the woman may not bear mortal culpability.

The OP’s question seems quite clear to me. If a man bears responsibility for an abortion procured by the woman he impregnated, then he may in fact bear the mortal culpability rather than the woman, or in other cases where coercion is not involved, that culpability may be shared.

In addition, in such a case the man violates a woman’s integrity and virtue twice. First by impregnating her, then by forcing her to undergo an invasive procedure that does not have zero risk, and usually, bear the emotional scars of having killed an innocent life.
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The point is I am not sure anyone disagrees with you, if that was his point, which he never actually explained. You imposed what you believed he meant and did so eloquently, which is fine. So I ask again, what point is he making? The only one to interject mortal sin, gravity, or culpability is you.
I’ve made this point many times myself. But in the end it is the mother’s body and she always has the final say. If you want a seat at her decision table (especially if you are a man), you must put something viable on the table for her to choose from. Abortions don’t happen “just because”, there are always social factors involved. Some of these can be pretty painful.

I get you all about championing a culture of life. But if a person is a person at conception, that person deserves all the support it can get. That means assisting the mother as much as humanly possible. You also need to have an *** attitude*** of life. This means getting over whatever the parents have or haven’t done. It does take a village to raise a child, even if that simply means putting some of your tax dollars where your values are.
Another side of the coin, a former middle-aged neighour became pregnant with middle-aged friend.
They weren’t religious. He was basically a nice and friendly man. She had two teenaged sons.
She didn’t tell the man she was pregnant until after abortion. The man was heart-broken. He had never had a child, and really wanted this child whom the woman had destroyed. He never returned next door.
Sometimes the Dad is given no say.
Unless it was a matter of rape, his impregnating her was no more his fault than hers.
I have to take some exception here. The baby is of course innocent here. But, it is the rapist who bears nearly 100% blame here.

It is he who so violated a woman that her life essence is entwined with his. It is he who makes her incubate the most intensely personal reminder of how she was treated as nothing but disposable trash. It is the superwoman who can lovingly raise the result of such a dehumanization.

I was recently propositioned for paid sex, in a grocery store of all places. I’m not a prostitute! Honestly, I’m not extremely tangibly traumatized by the experience, but I am left wondering what disposable physical or erotic attribute brought on this experience. Clearly it was not about who I am and this was a minuscule objectification compared to rape, but this guy still put a price tag on my worth. Guys, few of you have, or are likely to have, such an experience. You need to understand that before you open your mouths on the subject.
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I was recently propositioned for paid sex, in a grocery store of all places. I’m not a prostitute! Honestly, I’m not extremely tangibly traumatized by the experience, but I am left wondering what disposable physical or erotic attribute brought on this experience. Clearly it was not about who I am. Guys, few of you have, or are likely to have, such an experience. You need to understand that before you open your mouths on the subject.
I am sorry that happened to you.
The law in Alabama holds the doctor criminally culpable for the crime of abortion, not the woman.
I am sorry that happened to you.
Thank you.
The law in Alabama holds the doctor criminally culpable for the crime of abortion, not the woman.
Because it would be political suicide otherwise and likely in direct opposition to R v W making it very likely to be shot down in an instant.
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