What are compulsive memory images?

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It seems to be a symptom associated with various psychological disturbances, including PTSD and OCD.
I would hope that therapy is helping. Excepting some organic illnesses, the human brain is not only trainable, but re-trainable. Prayers ascending for your internal peace.
Please seek professional assistance about this. This is not a spiritual issue. I would put aside the moral theology book this time, and get medical care for your situation instead.
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I checked my copy of Jone, and all he does is to note that there is such a thing as “compulsive memory images”. They have no moral aspect whatsoever.

Again, the person who has these, and is troubled by them, is in need of medical attention, much more than spiritual help. That is what mental health care professionals are for. I would hasten to add that even people with no medical issues in this regard can have them. It’s not uncommon. Just part of the human condition. Sin must always involve an act of the will. Involuntary phenomena cannot be sinful.
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Because it is something that, by definition, intrudes itself into your mind when you don’t want it there. Unwanted thoughts cannot have any moral aspect.

I encourage anyone with such a situation to seek the help of a priest (who will tell you the same thing I am telling you), and, if it is troubling enough, a mental health professional (and I think the priest would make that recommendation as well). Don’t live like that. Don’t torment yourself over something that isn’t your fault.
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